Sunday, August 31, 2008

Peek-a-boo and the Week in Review

I am finally getting a chance to throw some updates everybody's way! What a crazy week it's been! I'll start first with the realm of Alexanderland. Alex will be 6 months old on September 5. Hard to believe, huh? He's developing quite a little personality lately. He's very relaxed and calm, but defintely has his silly moments. His faorite thing at the moment is playing peek-a-boo. He's obsessed with playing this game. He cracks up and buries his head when Abe and I disappear. When we pop up and shout "peek-a-boo", he lifts his head up and laughs. He LOVES this game and could play it all night long. I'll post a video for everyone to witness his advanced peek-a-boo playing skills. He's also trying so hard to crawl. He can get up on his arms. He can get up on his knees. However, he can't do both at the same time very well. Hence, he's not quite got it yet. He did get up on his arms and knees  today and we thought for sure he would surprise himself and crawl, but it was a no go. Soon though, I'm sure. He can also sit propped with his hands in front of him. The doctor called "tripoding" and told us it was very important that he could do that at his age. Speaking of the doctor,Alex went on August 15. He weighed in at 17 lbs. 13 oz. and almost 26 inches long. The doctor gave him the all-clear and said he is very healthy and developing well. 75th percetile for weight, 60th percentle for length, and 50th percentile for head circumference. We were all worried that he was too big for is age, because everyone says they're shocked at how big he is, but he's actualy very normal, so we were assured at the average percentiles. He's not really talking yet, but we can't wait to see whether he says "Mama" or "Dada" first. I honestly have no idea what it will be. So now for the week in review:

Sunday, 8/24: Went to the state fair in Timonium with family. It was incredibly hot outside, but we had a great time, walking around and pushing Alex in his stroller. We ate some crab cakes, and spun the lotto wheel. I got a lovely chip clip, and Abe got some first class sunglasses with the Md lotto logo on them.

Monday, 8/25: I met all of my new students for the 08-09 schol year. I have around 140 this year. It's more than I've ever had. My largest class has around 33 students in it. HUGE! But they're waaaay better than the class of 20 gangstas I had last year. Nobody has cursed at me, threw erasers, started a fight in my room, or set the bathroom on fire yet, so it's all good for now.

Tuesday through Thursday- Business as usual at work for both of us. Business as usual at daycare for Alex.

Friday- Cleaning and Laundry all night long...If Oscar escapes one more time and makes me chase him thorugh the neighbor's yard, I may sell him to gypsies.

Saturday- Spent all day with famly, eating crabs, pizza, and other foods.

Sunday- Spent most of the day with family, eating once again. Created baptism invite in the monring for Alex and Julia's baptism. It's Sept. 27th at our church. They'll be emailed or mailed very soon. Walked around at the avenue in the evening. Stopped and used our Starbucks gift card and talked for awhile while Alex napped in his stroller. Very nice, warm evening out together, doing our favorite thing which includes lots of laziness and chilling.

Tomorrow- Planning to get Alex's 6 month pictures taken at JCPenny's. Outfit is picked out and ready to go. Can't wait! We love our pictures! 9 month pictures will be in Dec. 1 year pictures will be in March. Oh--it's all planned out...Every 3 months until he's a year, then every 6 months til he's 2, then once a year. Oh and we have a ton of great coupons!

Well that;s about it for now..I think I caught up on everything. And now for the week ahead.

Alex showing some leg

Alex with Mommy

Alex with Daddy

Family Portrait

Alex trying to "pet" Oscar

Sitting up all by himself

Me and Dylan in front of some geese

Chillin in his bathrobe

Daniel and Alex hanging out together

Julia is smiling!

The 5 Cousins--Julia (1 Month), Dylan (8), Matthew (2),Daniel (6), and Alex (5 months)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

[slideshow id=1945555039042397573&w=426&h=320]

Check out my Slide Show!

[slideshow id=1945555039042397123&w=426&h=320]

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wedding and Honeymoon...All With A 5 Month Old in Tow!

The big day has come and gone, and now we're back from our honeymoon already! We had a wondeful ceremony andrecption on Sunday, August 10th. Everything went off without any problems. No babies screamed during the ceremony, nobody passed out, and nobody got so nervous they had to visit the bathroom. So I would say it was a huge success. I can't wait to get the pictures back! Our photographer said about 4 weeks until they would be available online for viewing, and I can't wait to see how they turned out! We all got to the church by 3:30, which was a miracle. Everyone looked great too. I can't wait to see our colors together in our pictures! The reception was a blast. Alex had a tough time towards the end and Abe and I had to leave the reception to calm him down. I think he was just missing Mommy and Daddy, because once we took him outside, he calmed down immediately and we were able to return to the reception and dnace with him and eveyone else. It was a lot of fun though! We have to thank everyone for traveling and helping with all of the preparations, as well as the plethora of wedding presents we received. It was amazing to have so many people we care about together to help us celebrate. After the wedding, we headed down to Ocean City for 3 days with Alex. His first vacation and trip to the beach! We all ahd a blast! It was nice to have just the 3 of us together celebrating and enjoying Alex's first vacation. We took him to the beach for the first time on Tuesday, and put him in his bumbo seat under our makeshift "camp", complete with a tent and tons of towels! LOL. We also took him down the shore for his first dip in the ocean. I held him while he sat in the sand. Once a wave came up and touched his little toes and legs, he sat shocked for a minute, then started crying, so his dip didn't last long. The water was cold! He also took his first tram ride on the boardwalk, which he LOVED! He smiled and laughed the whole way down, and just couldn't get enough of looking around. In fact, he isn't looking in most of the pictures that were taken outside because he was so busy looking at all of the things around him. He also loved beng in his floatie in the pool. He was so lazy in it! He just laid back and didn't even kick his legs that much. Unfortunately, we had to come home today, because I had to squeeze a doctor's appointment in for him before I go back to work on Monday. He needs his most recent shots and his 5 month check-up. He has them every other month now, instead of every month. I can't believe I am back to Middle School on Monday! I'm going to miss Alex so much! I'll defintely be counting down to June again. Alex will be 15 months old by then. How different he will be  by June 2009! I am going to add some pictures to this posting, but because there are so many, I'll make a slide show of the wedding and the beach and put it on top of this. I can't believe the wedding, the honeymoon and the summer have all come and gone, but they have, and now I am looking forward to what's next for us. Our future together, Alex's firsts--- Halloween, Christmas, Birthday , steps, crawling, talking, etc. It's all very exciting to look forward to those things, and I know we'll treasure the memories of the past week forever.




          Family Picture on Wedding Day

        He'll be crawling before we know it!

Our 4 ringbearers--Dylan, Daniel, Matthew and Alex entering the ceremony

Me and Grandma just before the ceremony

Happy after a long walk on the boardwalk

Abe and Alex on the beach

  Abe and Alex under our beach tent

His first taste of the ocean water!

Me and Alex ready for lunch

Alex in his floatie


Abe and Alex in the boardwalk

Alex looking cute in his stroller

Family Portrait on the boardwalk

Alex getting some sun on a lounge chair

Alex relaxing in his floatie

His flirty smile

Monday, August 4, 2008

Houseful of Kids

Okay so there are officially 6 days until the wedding, and Abe and I couldn't be more nervous! There's actually not much left to do, but we are starting to get a little freaked. Neither of us are to excited to walk down the longest aisle I've ever seen in any church I've ever been to in front of 100 people! But this time next week, we'll be relaxing on the beach with Alex, so it's all good. In an effort not to look like complete fools on the dance floor we practiced slow and fast dancing last night after we put Alex to bed. I'm not telling what our first song'll have to be a surprise! I think we're getting better at it though. Dancing has never been my thing, but I know we'll have to do it at the wedding, so we're honing our skills for the big day. I am going to the salon around 4:30 today to get my hair done as a trial run for the wedding, so we'll have to see how it turns out. I'm definitely having it put up,since our wedding is taking place during the hottest time of year! What's kind of funny is, we're actually already married and are coming up on our one year aniversary- September 21! So we have to decide which date we want to celebrate as our anniversary. I think we're probably going to celebrate the September 21st one, because that's also the anniversary of the day we met, so it has even more special meaning to us. On a side note, Alex started solids with rice cereal about 2 months ago, but on Saturday, he started eating strained veggies. His first real food---Carrots! He loved them, and hasn't shown any signs of having problems with them. I think we'll try a fruit next--maybe bananas. I could tell that he was really ready to start eating other things, because he is starting to grab at our food, and he is opening his mouth and swallowing his rice cereal instead of spitting most of it out. I can't believe he'll be 5 months old tomorrow! Almost half a year has gone by since he was born. It's hard to believe how big he has gotten. Baby Julia was over at Abe's Mom's on Sunday with all the kids and looking at their sizes compared to her is amazing. I can't believe Alex was once her size. Speaking of Baby Julia, Sunday was our first time having 5 kids at Abe's Mom's house and it was wild! LOL. During lunch we had one baby in the swing and one baby in the bounder next to the swing. While we were all packing up and getting ready to leave, the kids were all so loud together that you could hear them in the street! LOL. It was fun to see them all together though. Some pictures follow from yesterday and the rest of last week...


Alex opening wide for his first taste of carrots

Smiling in his bumbo seat







                                                                                               Big Smile!









      Baby Julia in her pink dress

The two babies--Julia and Alex!









Lola with the babies







                      Abe and Dylan

Abe holding baby Julia







Maria with a lap full of kids







                   Maria holding Julia

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Peek-a-boo and the Week in Review

I am finally getting a chance to throw some updates everybody's way! What a crazy week it's been! I'll start first with the realm of Alexanderland. Alex will be 6 months old on September 5. Hard to believe, huh? He's developing quite a little personality lately. He's very relaxed and calm, but defintely has his silly moments. His faorite thing at the moment is playing peek-a-boo. He's obsessed with playing this game. He cracks up and buries his head when Abe and I disappear. When we pop up and shout "peek-a-boo", he lifts his head up and laughs. He LOVES this game and could play it all night long. I'll post a video for everyone to witness his advanced peek-a-boo playing skills. He's also trying so hard to crawl. He can get up on his arms. He can get up on his knees. However, he can't do both at the same time very well. Hence, he's not quite got it yet. He did get up on his arms and knees  today and we thought for sure he would surprise himself and crawl, but it was a no go. Soon though, I'm sure. He can also sit propped with his hands in front of him. The doctor called "tripoding" and told us it was very important that he could do that at his age. Speaking of the doctor,Alex went on August 15. He weighed in at 17 lbs. 13 oz. and almost 26 inches long. The doctor gave him the all-clear and said he is very healthy and developing well. 75th percetile for weight, 60th percentle for length, and 50th percentile for head circumference. We were all worried that he was too big for is age, because everyone says they're shocked at how big he is, but he's actualy very normal, so we were assured at the average percentiles. He's not really talking yet, but we can't wait to see whether he says "Mama" or "Dada" first. I honestly have no idea what it will be. So now for the week in review:

Sunday, 8/24: Went to the state fair in Timonium with family. It was incredibly hot outside, but we had a great time, walking around and pushing Alex in his stroller. We ate some crab cakes, and spun the lotto wheel. I got a lovely chip clip, and Abe got some first class sunglasses with the Md lotto logo on them.

Monday, 8/25: I met all of my new students for the 08-09 schol year. I have around 140 this year. It's more than I've ever had. My largest class has around 33 students in it. HUGE! But they're waaaay better than the class of 20 gangstas I had last year. Nobody has cursed at me, threw erasers, started a fight in my room, or set the bathroom on fire yet, so it's all good for now.

Tuesday through Thursday- Business as usual at work for both of us. Business as usual at daycare for Alex.

Friday- Cleaning and Laundry all night long...If Oscar escapes one more time and makes me chase him thorugh the neighbor's yard, I may sell him to gypsies.

Saturday- Spent all day with famly, eating crabs, pizza, and other foods.

Sunday- Spent most of the day with family, eating once again. Created baptism invite in the monring for Alex and Julia's baptism. It's Sept. 27th at our church. They'll be emailed or mailed very soon. Walked around at the avenue in the evening. Stopped and used our Starbucks gift card and talked for awhile while Alex napped in his stroller. Very nice, warm evening out together, doing our favorite thing which includes lots of laziness and chilling.

Tomorrow- Planning to get Alex's 6 month pictures taken at JCPenny's. Outfit is picked out and ready to go. Can't wait! We love our pictures! 9 month pictures will be in Dec. 1 year pictures will be in March. Oh--it's all planned out...Every 3 months until he's a year, then every 6 months til he's 2, then once a year. Oh and we have a ton of great coupons!

Well that;s about it for now..I think I caught up on everything. And now for the week ahead.

Alex showing some leg

Alex with Mommy

Alex with Daddy

Family Portrait

Alex trying to "pet" Oscar

Sitting up all by himself

Me and Dylan in front of some geese

Chillin in his bathrobe

Daniel and Alex hanging out together

Julia is smiling!

The 5 Cousins--Julia (1 Month), Dylan (8), Matthew (2),Daniel (6), and Alex (5 months)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

[slideshow id=1945555039042397573&w=426&h=320]

Check out my Slide Show!

[slideshow id=1945555039042397123&w=426&h=320]

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wedding and Honeymoon...All With A 5 Month Old in Tow!

The big day has come and gone, and now we're back from our honeymoon already! We had a wondeful ceremony andrecption on Sunday, August 10th. Everything went off without any problems. No babies screamed during the ceremony, nobody passed out, and nobody got so nervous they had to visit the bathroom. So I would say it was a huge success. I can't wait to get the pictures back! Our photographer said about 4 weeks until they would be available online for viewing, and I can't wait to see how they turned out! We all got to the church by 3:30, which was a miracle. Everyone looked great too. I can't wait to see our colors together in our pictures! The reception was a blast. Alex had a tough time towards the end and Abe and I had to leave the reception to calm him down. I think he was just missing Mommy and Daddy, because once we took him outside, he calmed down immediately and we were able to return to the reception and dnace with him and eveyone else. It was a lot of fun though! We have to thank everyone for traveling and helping with all of the preparations, as well as the plethora of wedding presents we received. It was amazing to have so many people we care about together to help us celebrate. After the wedding, we headed down to Ocean City for 3 days with Alex. His first vacation and trip to the beach! We all ahd a blast! It was nice to have just the 3 of us together celebrating and enjoying Alex's first vacation. We took him to the beach for the first time on Tuesday, and put him in his bumbo seat under our makeshift "camp", complete with a tent and tons of towels! LOL. We also took him down the shore for his first dip in the ocean. I held him while he sat in the sand. Once a wave came up and touched his little toes and legs, he sat shocked for a minute, then started crying, so his dip didn't last long. The water was cold! He also took his first tram ride on the boardwalk, which he LOVED! He smiled and laughed the whole way down, and just couldn't get enough of looking around. In fact, he isn't looking in most of the pictures that were taken outside because he was so busy looking at all of the things around him. He also loved beng in his floatie in the pool. He was so lazy in it! He just laid back and didn't even kick his legs that much. Unfortunately, we had to come home today, because I had to squeeze a doctor's appointment in for him before I go back to work on Monday. He needs his most recent shots and his 5 month check-up. He has them every other month now, instead of every month. I can't believe I am back to Middle School on Monday! I'm going to miss Alex so much! I'll defintely be counting down to June again. Alex will be 15 months old by then. How different he will be  by June 2009! I am going to add some pictures to this posting, but because there are so many, I'll make a slide show of the wedding and the beach and put it on top of this. I can't believe the wedding, the honeymoon and the summer have all come and gone, but they have, and now I am looking forward to what's next for us. Our future together, Alex's firsts--- Halloween, Christmas, Birthday , steps, crawling, talking, etc. It's all very exciting to look forward to those things, and I know we'll treasure the memories of the past week forever.




          Family Picture on Wedding Day

        He'll be crawling before we know it!

Our 4 ringbearers--Dylan, Daniel, Matthew and Alex entering the ceremony

Me and Grandma just before the ceremony

Happy after a long walk on the boardwalk

Abe and Alex on the beach

  Abe and Alex under our beach tent

His first taste of the ocean water!

Me and Alex ready for lunch

Alex in his floatie


Abe and Alex in the boardwalk

Alex looking cute in his stroller

Family Portrait on the boardwalk

Alex getting some sun on a lounge chair

Alex relaxing in his floatie

His flirty smile

Monday, August 4, 2008

Houseful of Kids

Okay so there are officially 6 days until the wedding, and Abe and I couldn't be more nervous! There's actually not much left to do, but we are starting to get a little freaked. Neither of us are to excited to walk down the longest aisle I've ever seen in any church I've ever been to in front of 100 people! But this time next week, we'll be relaxing on the beach with Alex, so it's all good. In an effort not to look like complete fools on the dance floor we practiced slow and fast dancing last night after we put Alex to bed. I'm not telling what our first song'll have to be a surprise! I think we're getting better at it though. Dancing has never been my thing, but I know we'll have to do it at the wedding, so we're honing our skills for the big day. I am going to the salon around 4:30 today to get my hair done as a trial run for the wedding, so we'll have to see how it turns out. I'm definitely having it put up,since our wedding is taking place during the hottest time of year! What's kind of funny is, we're actually already married and are coming up on our one year aniversary- September 21! So we have to decide which date we want to celebrate as our anniversary. I think we're probably going to celebrate the September 21st one, because that's also the anniversary of the day we met, so it has even more special meaning to us. On a side note, Alex started solids with rice cereal about 2 months ago, but on Saturday, he started eating strained veggies. His first real food---Carrots! He loved them, and hasn't shown any signs of having problems with them. I think we'll try a fruit next--maybe bananas. I could tell that he was really ready to start eating other things, because he is starting to grab at our food, and he is opening his mouth and swallowing his rice cereal instead of spitting most of it out. I can't believe he'll be 5 months old tomorrow! Almost half a year has gone by since he was born. It's hard to believe how big he has gotten. Baby Julia was over at Abe's Mom's on Sunday with all the kids and looking at their sizes compared to her is amazing. I can't believe Alex was once her size. Speaking of Baby Julia, Sunday was our first time having 5 kids at Abe's Mom's house and it was wild! LOL. During lunch we had one baby in the swing and one baby in the bounder next to the swing. While we were all packing up and getting ready to leave, the kids were all so loud together that you could hear them in the street! LOL. It was fun to see them all together though. Some pictures follow from yesterday and the rest of last week...


Alex opening wide for his first taste of carrots

Smiling in his bumbo seat







                                                                                               Big Smile!









      Baby Julia in her pink dress

The two babies--Julia and Alex!









Lola with the babies







                      Abe and Dylan

Abe holding baby Julia







Maria with a lap full of kids







                   Maria holding Julia

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Peek-a-boo and the Week in Review

I am finally getting a chance to throw some updates everybody's way! What a crazy week it's been! I'll start first with the realm of Alexanderland. Alex will be 6 months old on September 5. Hard to believe, huh? He's developing quite a little personality lately. He's very relaxed and calm, but defintely has his silly moments. His faorite thing at the moment is playing peek-a-boo. He's obsessed with playing this game. He cracks up and buries his head when Abe and I disappear. When we pop up and shout "peek-a-boo", he lifts his head up and laughs. He LOVES this game and could play it all night long. I'll post a video for everyone to witness his advanced peek-a-boo playing skills. He's also trying so hard to crawl. He can get up on his arms. He can get up on his knees. However, he can't do both at the same time very well. Hence, he's not quite got it yet. He did get up on his arms and knees  today and we thought for sure he would surprise himself and crawl, but it was a no go. Soon though, I'm sure. He can also sit propped with his hands in front of him. The doctor called "tripoding" and told us it was very important that he could do that at his age. Speaking of the doctor,Alex went on August 15. He weighed in at 17 lbs. 13 oz. and almost 26 inches long. The doctor gave him the all-clear and said he is very healthy and developing well. 75th percetile for weight, 60th percentle for length, and 50th percentile for head circumference. We were all worried that he was too big for is age, because everyone says they're shocked at how big he is, but he's actualy very normal, so we were assured at the average percentiles. He's not really talking yet, but we can't wait to see whether he says "Mama" or "Dada" first. I honestly have no idea what it will be. So now for the week in review:

Sunday, 8/24: Went to the state fair in Timonium with family. It was incredibly hot outside, but we had a great time, walking around and pushing Alex in his stroller. We ate some crab cakes, and spun the lotto wheel. I got a lovely chip clip, and Abe got some first class sunglasses with the Md lotto logo on them.

Monday, 8/25: I met all of my new students for the 08-09 schol year. I have around 140 this year. It's more than I've ever had. My largest class has around 33 students in it. HUGE! But they're waaaay better than the class of 20 gangstas I had last year. Nobody has cursed at me, threw erasers, started a fight in my room, or set the bathroom on fire yet, so it's all good for now.

Tuesday through Thursday- Business as usual at work for both of us. Business as usual at daycare for Alex.

Friday- Cleaning and Laundry all night long...If Oscar escapes one more time and makes me chase him thorugh the neighbor's yard, I may sell him to gypsies.

Saturday- Spent all day with famly, eating crabs, pizza, and other foods.

Sunday- Spent most of the day with family, eating once again. Created baptism invite in the monring for Alex and Julia's baptism. It's Sept. 27th at our church. They'll be emailed or mailed very soon. Walked around at the avenue in the evening. Stopped and used our Starbucks gift card and talked for awhile while Alex napped in his stroller. Very nice, warm evening out together, doing our favorite thing which includes lots of laziness and chilling.

Tomorrow- Planning to get Alex's 6 month pictures taken at JCPenny's. Outfit is picked out and ready to go. Can't wait! We love our pictures! 9 month pictures will be in Dec. 1 year pictures will be in March. Oh--it's all planned out...Every 3 months until he's a year, then every 6 months til he's 2, then once a year. Oh and we have a ton of great coupons!

Well that;s about it for now..I think I caught up on everything. And now for the week ahead.

Alex showing some leg

Alex with Mommy

Alex with Daddy

Family Portrait

Alex trying to "pet" Oscar

Sitting up all by himself

Me and Dylan in front of some geese

Chillin in his bathrobe

Daniel and Alex hanging out together

Julia is smiling!

The 5 Cousins--Julia (1 Month), Dylan (8), Matthew (2),Daniel (6), and Alex (5 months)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

[slideshow id=1945555039042397573&w=426&h=320]

Check out my Slide Show!

[slideshow id=1945555039042397123&w=426&h=320]

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wedding and Honeymoon...All With A 5 Month Old in Tow!

The big day has come and gone, and now we're back from our honeymoon already! We had a wondeful ceremony andrecption on Sunday, August 10th. Everything went off without any problems. No babies screamed during the ceremony, nobody passed out, and nobody got so nervous they had to visit the bathroom. So I would say it was a huge success. I can't wait to get the pictures back! Our photographer said about 4 weeks until they would be available online for viewing, and I can't wait to see how they turned out! We all got to the church by 3:30, which was a miracle. Everyone looked great too. I can't wait to see our colors together in our pictures! The reception was a blast. Alex had a tough time towards the end and Abe and I had to leave the reception to calm him down. I think he was just missing Mommy and Daddy, because once we took him outside, he calmed down immediately and we were able to return to the reception and dnace with him and eveyone else. It was a lot of fun though! We have to thank everyone for traveling and helping with all of the preparations, as well as the plethora of wedding presents we received. It was amazing to have so many people we care about together to help us celebrate. After the wedding, we headed down to Ocean City for 3 days with Alex. His first vacation and trip to the beach! We all ahd a blast! It was nice to have just the 3 of us together celebrating and enjoying Alex's first vacation. We took him to the beach for the first time on Tuesday, and put him in his bumbo seat under our makeshift "camp", complete with a tent and tons of towels! LOL. We also took him down the shore for his first dip in the ocean. I held him while he sat in the sand. Once a wave came up and touched his little toes and legs, he sat shocked for a minute, then started crying, so his dip didn't last long. The water was cold! He also took his first tram ride on the boardwalk, which he LOVED! He smiled and laughed the whole way down, and just couldn't get enough of looking around. In fact, he isn't looking in most of the pictures that were taken outside because he was so busy looking at all of the things around him. He also loved beng in his floatie in the pool. He was so lazy in it! He just laid back and didn't even kick his legs that much. Unfortunately, we had to come home today, because I had to squeeze a doctor's appointment in for him before I go back to work on Monday. He needs his most recent shots and his 5 month check-up. He has them every other month now, instead of every month. I can't believe I am back to Middle School on Monday! I'm going to miss Alex so much! I'll defintely be counting down to June again. Alex will be 15 months old by then. How different he will be  by June 2009! I am going to add some pictures to this posting, but because there are so many, I'll make a slide show of the wedding and the beach and put it on top of this. I can't believe the wedding, the honeymoon and the summer have all come and gone, but they have, and now I am looking forward to what's next for us. Our future together, Alex's firsts--- Halloween, Christmas, Birthday , steps, crawling, talking, etc. It's all very exciting to look forward to those things, and I know we'll treasure the memories of the past week forever.




          Family Picture on Wedding Day

        He'll be crawling before we know it!

Our 4 ringbearers--Dylan, Daniel, Matthew and Alex entering the ceremony

Me and Grandma just before the ceremony

Happy after a long walk on the boardwalk

Abe and Alex on the beach

  Abe and Alex under our beach tent

His first taste of the ocean water!

Me and Alex ready for lunch

Alex in his floatie


Abe and Alex in the boardwalk

Alex looking cute in his stroller

Family Portrait on the boardwalk

Alex getting some sun on a lounge chair

Alex relaxing in his floatie

His flirty smile

Monday, August 4, 2008

Houseful of Kids

Okay so there are officially 6 days until the wedding, and Abe and I couldn't be more nervous! There's actually not much left to do, but we are starting to get a little freaked. Neither of us are to excited to walk down the longest aisle I've ever seen in any church I've ever been to in front of 100 people! But this time next week, we'll be relaxing on the beach with Alex, so it's all good. In an effort not to look like complete fools on the dance floor we practiced slow and fast dancing last night after we put Alex to bed. I'm not telling what our first song'll have to be a surprise! I think we're getting better at it though. Dancing has never been my thing, but I know we'll have to do it at the wedding, so we're honing our skills for the big day. I am going to the salon around 4:30 today to get my hair done as a trial run for the wedding, so we'll have to see how it turns out. I'm definitely having it put up,since our wedding is taking place during the hottest time of year! What's kind of funny is, we're actually already married and are coming up on our one year aniversary- September 21! So we have to decide which date we want to celebrate as our anniversary. I think we're probably going to celebrate the September 21st one, because that's also the anniversary of the day we met, so it has even more special meaning to us. On a side note, Alex started solids with rice cereal about 2 months ago, but on Saturday, he started eating strained veggies. His first real food---Carrots! He loved them, and hasn't shown any signs of having problems with them. I think we'll try a fruit next--maybe bananas. I could tell that he was really ready to start eating other things, because he is starting to grab at our food, and he is opening his mouth and swallowing his rice cereal instead of spitting most of it out. I can't believe he'll be 5 months old tomorrow! Almost half a year has gone by since he was born. It's hard to believe how big he has gotten. Baby Julia was over at Abe's Mom's on Sunday with all the kids and looking at their sizes compared to her is amazing. I can't believe Alex was once her size. Speaking of Baby Julia, Sunday was our first time having 5 kids at Abe's Mom's house and it was wild! LOL. During lunch we had one baby in the swing and one baby in the bounder next to the swing. While we were all packing up and getting ready to leave, the kids were all so loud together that you could hear them in the street! LOL. It was fun to see them all together though. Some pictures follow from yesterday and the rest of last week...


Alex opening wide for his first taste of carrots

Smiling in his bumbo seat







                                                                                               Big Smile!









      Baby Julia in her pink dress

The two babies--Julia and Alex!









Lola with the babies







                      Abe and Dylan

Abe holding baby Julia







Maria with a lap full of kids







                   Maria holding Julia