I am finally getting a chance to throw some updates everybody's way! What a crazy week it's been! I'll start first with the realm of Alexanderland. Alex will be 6 months old on September 5. Hard to believe, huh? He's developing quite a little personality lately. He's very relaxed and calm, but defintely has his silly moments. His faorite thing at the moment is playing peek-a-boo. He's obsessed with playing this game. He cracks up and buries his head when Abe and I disappear. When we pop up and shout "peek-a-boo", he lifts his head up and laughs. He LOVES this game and could play it all night long. I'll post a video for everyone to witness his advanced peek-a-boo playing skills. He's also trying so hard to crawl. He can get up on his arms. He can get up on his knees. However, he can't do both at the same time very well. Hence, he's not quite got it yet. He did get up on his arms and knees today and we thought for sure he would surprise himself and crawl, but it was a no go. Soon though, I'm sure. He can also sit propped with his hands in front of him. The doctor called "tripoding" and told us it was very important that he could do that at his age. Speaking of the doctor,Alex went on August 15. He weighed in at 17 lbs. 13 oz. and almost 26 inches long. The doctor gave him the all-clear and said he is very healthy and developing well. 75th percetile for weight, 60th percentle for length, and 50th percentile for head circumference. We were all worried that he was too big for is age, because everyone says they're shocked at how big he is, but he's actualy very normal, so we were assured at the average percentiles. He's not really talking yet, but we can't wait to see whether he says "Mama" or "Dada" first. I honestly have no idea what it will be. So now for the week in review:
Sunday, 8/24: Went to the state fair in Timonium with family. It was incredibly hot outside, but we had a great time, walking around and pushing Alex in his stroller. We ate some crab cakes, and spun the lotto wheel. I got a lovely chip clip, and Abe got some first class sunglasses with the Md lotto logo on them.
Monday, 8/25: I met all of my new students for the 08-09 schol year. I have around 140 this year. It's more than I've ever had. My largest class has around 33 students in it. HUGE! But they're waaaay better than the class of 20 gangstas I had last year. Nobody has cursed at me, threw erasers, started a fight in my room, or set the bathroom on fire yet, so it's all good for now.
Tuesday through Thursday- Business as usual at work for both of us. Business as usual at daycare for Alex.
Friday- Cleaning and Laundry all night long...If Oscar escapes one more time and makes me chase him thorugh the neighbor's yard, I may sell him to gypsies.
Saturday- Spent all day with famly, eating crabs, pizza, and other foods.
Sunday- Spent most of the day with family, eating once again. Created baptism invite in the monring for Alex and Julia's baptism. It's Sept. 27th at our church. They'll be emailed or mailed very soon. Walked around at the avenue in the evening. Stopped and used our Starbucks gift card and talked for awhile while Alex napped in his stroller. Very nice, warm evening out together, doing our favorite thing which includes lots of laziness and chilling.
Tomorrow- Planning to get Alex's 6 month pictures taken at JCPenny's. Outfit is picked out and ready to go. Can't wait! We love our pictures! 9 month pictures will be in Dec. 1 year pictures will be in March. Oh--it's all planned out...Every 3 months until he's a year, then every 6 months til he's 2, then once a year. Oh and we have a ton of great coupons!
Well that;s about it for now..I think I caught up on everything. And now for the week ahead.
Alex showing some leg
Alex with Mommy
Me and Dylan in front of some geese
Daniel and Alex hanging out together
The 5 Cousins--Julia (1 Month), Dylan (8), Matthew (2),Daniel (6), and Alex (5 months)