Friday, October 31, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

[slideshow id=2738188573457044716&w=426&h=320]

hApPy HaLLoWeEn!

Alex enjoyed his very first Halloween this evening. He dressed up as a dragon and trick-or-treated up and down Abe's Mom's street in Dundalk! We took him down around 5:30, and got him dressed along with the boys. Dylan was bobo fett from Star Wars, Daniel was Ironman, Matthew was a cowboy, and Julia was festive in her Halloween shirt. We then put Alex in the stroller and made our way up and down Roberts Ave. with all four boys. At the end of the street, the 3 older boys wanted to continue, but I could tell by the way Alex was hunching to the side in his little dragon costume that he was done with his first trick-or-treating experience. I strolled him back to the house and he was fast asleep by the time we got back up the street. After we all had our trick-or-treating fun, we gathered inside and celebrated Mary's b-day. Her actual b-day is Oct. 28, but we decided to celebrate tonight, since Abe and I had to make a change in plans and venture home this weekend. Happy __th b-day Mary!! We're leaving tomorrow for my parents and the coming back on Sunday. I have been battling pneumonia for the past twp weeks almost, so we couldn't go out last weekend when we originally wanted to. I'm finally feeling somewhat better, despite the side effects of the antibiotic, so we decided to go on out this weekend, so everyone could see how big Alex is getting. We're also celebrating my brother's 23rd b-day, which was Oct.27. We're a year apart now until March when I'll turn 25. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Halloween, now we look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hannukah. My favorite time of year, despite the frigid temps! Don't forget to fall back on Sunday! Enjoy some cute pics!

                                                     Alex smiling in his dragon costume!

Daniel and Alex hanging out before tick-or-treating

                                                      Matthew, Alex, and Dylan hanging out

                                                      Mary blowing out her b-day candles!

                                                                      Playing before bed

                              Abe and I are convinced he'll be taking this swing to college with him!

                                                          Trick-or-treating is no joke Mommy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Army Crawl

Alex is a little over 7and a half months old now and he's been getting up on his hands and knees and showing signs of moving forward for weeks now. Well, on Sunday, he started doing this "army crawl" type of maneuver. If we put something inetersting (i.e. a flashing toythat moves or a cat!) at one side of the room, he drags himself across the floor to get it. He can moves on his knees but loses his hold on his hands, thus resulting in pulling himself along with his belly still on the ground. I am wondering though if we count any movement as crawling or have to wait for him to be on hands and knees. It's such a gray area. We want to fill in his baby book correctly and everything, but it's not as cut and dry as we thought it would be. We're still not sure if he's said his first word. He babbles "mamama" and "dadada", but it just seems like babble. One time he looked right at me and said "mama" and has done that a couple times since then, but who knows! He had a blast playing with his cousins at Weber's Farm in Parkville on Sunday. He had absolutely no reaction whatsoever to the slide or th hayride--just stared off into space, but we know he loved it! LOL.He'll be going to his first trick-or-treating on Sunday at my Grandma's house. I can't wait to see him in his costume, and can't wait to see if it still fits--we bought it a month ago when they were on sale! LOL. Some pics from the week:

Me feeding Alex his morning takes him about 6 minutes to drink 6 ounces!


                                                        Our family picture at Weber's Farm

                              Me and Alex on the silde at Weber's--he looks enthralled, doesn't he???

Abe and Julia--can you believe how big she is getting?

                                            Abe, Alex, and Matthew smiling for the camera

Dylan and Matthew playing on the tires

                                  Dylan doing his GQ pose and Daniel playing the background

                                                             Daniel showing how tall he is

Alex is showing off his two front teeth!

Alex in our front yard--where are his socks you ask?...we have no idea!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Weekend...

Abe, Alex and I spent this absolutely beautiful weekend visitng with my family in the country. The trees have started to change already out there, and the scenery is incredible since they are surrounded by so many mountains. I have some pictures of the nice fall foliage that I'll post later. Alex had a great time! He got to pick his first pumpkin from Higson's Farm in Wiley Ford, WV. It's a smaller farm about 30 minutes from where I grew up. They had tons to choose from, and they're super cheap out there, so we got two big pumpkins and a little one to represent Alex. They are now sitting in front of our house and we are hoping they don't get smashed. I think it's ridiculous when people go around smashing pumpkin, and I can honestly say that's something I never did when I was younger. I just never saw the point in it. They've been there for a few hours now though, and so far, so good. My family was shocked to see how big Alex is getting. His nana had bought him about a thousand new things (as usual) so we spent some time looking at the new vlothes and letting him play with his new toys. By the time we were finished unwinding Friday night, Alex was going to bed way late! He still did very well though, considering. He also got to visit with his Great-Grandma who could only see him for a bit since she left for Missouri very early this morning. She is very excited to see him in two weeks when we go back for Trick-or-Treating and my brother's 23rd birthday. My Grandma's town has always held Trick-or-Treating on the Sunday before Halloween, because they don't like the kids running around at night. It works out great for us, because now he can dress up and Trick-or Treat here and there, and everyone gets to see him in his costume. My brother (who is back in action once again) is turning 23 on October 27, so we'll also be celebrating that he's managed to make it to 23! LOL.  Well--I better say goodnight soon. Field Trip tomorrow--me vs. LOTS of 7th graders means I need my sanity rest. Have a great week and enjoy the photos posted!

Alex in his light-up Halloween shirt with two of our pumpkins!

 With his nana at Higson's Farm in WV

                                                             Showing off his two new teeth!

                                                                        Alex and Mommy

 Our pumkpins in fornt of our house!

The leaves along the road in Lavale

As you can see, he still likes to stick out his tongue!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Alex is 7 Months Old!

Alex turned 7 months old yesterday, October 5. I can't believe how big he's getting! We took him to the doctor today and he weighs 19lbs. 120z. (65th percentile) and is 27 3/4 inches long (70th percentile). His head circumference is 44 cm (50th percentile). She said he'sright on track and doing very well. He's hit all of the milestones they expect babies to hit at 7 months! We were of course thrilled to hear that our little man is growing normally and doing well. He got 3 shots--one of which was a flu shot. He did really well with them though! He cried for maybe 3 minutes initially and then never made another peep. He now has two teeth! His two incisors have arrived and he's doing really well with them. No fevers, no sleepless nights, and minimal fussiness. I know, I know..we're lucky and our second one will be a demon..we've already been told. We have such a good baby though, it's true! He slept through the night at 2 months, hasn't woken up at night since, never spits up, and is just generally very at ease and content most of the time. He pretty much eats all of his baby food, and doesn't seem very picky with anything anymore. He even eats peas okay now! We can only hope that #2 will mimic his/her brothers actions when he/she comes along down the road. We probably won't be this lucky again though! LOL. In other news, we had a family yardsale on Sunday at Maria's house and had eight children running around her house! Maria's two sons, Mary's son and daughter, our son, and Corinne's son and two daughters! It was like a daycare! Very fun though! Three of the kids were under one year! Alex was born in March, Julia in July, and Charlye in September! It's really cool that they'll all grow up together though. Some pictures from the weekend follow. Enjoy!

Alex all bundled up for his walk home from daycare

Alex playing with Daddy

One of Alex's many talents--chewing on his foot!

Alex holding his bunny!

Abe eating his giant raisin loaf! LOL.

Some pics from Sunday!


















Friday, October 31, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

[slideshow id=2738188573457044716&w=426&h=320]

hApPy HaLLoWeEn!

Alex enjoyed his very first Halloween this evening. He dressed up as a dragon and trick-or-treated up and down Abe's Mom's street in Dundalk! We took him down around 5:30, and got him dressed along with the boys. Dylan was bobo fett from Star Wars, Daniel was Ironman, Matthew was a cowboy, and Julia was festive in her Halloween shirt. We then put Alex in the stroller and made our way up and down Roberts Ave. with all four boys. At the end of the street, the 3 older boys wanted to continue, but I could tell by the way Alex was hunching to the side in his little dragon costume that he was done with his first trick-or-treating experience. I strolled him back to the house and he was fast asleep by the time we got back up the street. After we all had our trick-or-treating fun, we gathered inside and celebrated Mary's b-day. Her actual b-day is Oct. 28, but we decided to celebrate tonight, since Abe and I had to make a change in plans and venture home this weekend. Happy __th b-day Mary!! We're leaving tomorrow for my parents and the coming back on Sunday. I have been battling pneumonia for the past twp weeks almost, so we couldn't go out last weekend when we originally wanted to. I'm finally feeling somewhat better, despite the side effects of the antibiotic, so we decided to go on out this weekend, so everyone could see how big Alex is getting. We're also celebrating my brother's 23rd b-day, which was Oct.27. We're a year apart now until March when I'll turn 25. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Halloween, now we look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hannukah. My favorite time of year, despite the frigid temps! Don't forget to fall back on Sunday! Enjoy some cute pics!

                                                     Alex smiling in his dragon costume!

Daniel and Alex hanging out before tick-or-treating

                                                      Matthew, Alex, and Dylan hanging out

                                                      Mary blowing out her b-day candles!

                                                                      Playing before bed

                              Abe and I are convinced he'll be taking this swing to college with him!

                                                          Trick-or-treating is no joke Mommy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Army Crawl

Alex is a little over 7and a half months old now and he's been getting up on his hands and knees and showing signs of moving forward for weeks now. Well, on Sunday, he started doing this "army crawl" type of maneuver. If we put something inetersting (i.e. a flashing toythat moves or a cat!) at one side of the room, he drags himself across the floor to get it. He can moves on his knees but loses his hold on his hands, thus resulting in pulling himself along with his belly still on the ground. I am wondering though if we count any movement as crawling or have to wait for him to be on hands and knees. It's such a gray area. We want to fill in his baby book correctly and everything, but it's not as cut and dry as we thought it would be. We're still not sure if he's said his first word. He babbles "mamama" and "dadada", but it just seems like babble. One time he looked right at me and said "mama" and has done that a couple times since then, but who knows! He had a blast playing with his cousins at Weber's Farm in Parkville on Sunday. He had absolutely no reaction whatsoever to the slide or th hayride--just stared off into space, but we know he loved it! LOL.He'll be going to his first trick-or-treating on Sunday at my Grandma's house. I can't wait to see him in his costume, and can't wait to see if it still fits--we bought it a month ago when they were on sale! LOL. Some pics from the week:

Me feeding Alex his morning takes him about 6 minutes to drink 6 ounces!


                                                        Our family picture at Weber's Farm

                              Me and Alex on the silde at Weber's--he looks enthralled, doesn't he???

Abe and Julia--can you believe how big she is getting?

                                            Abe, Alex, and Matthew smiling for the camera

Dylan and Matthew playing on the tires

                                  Dylan doing his GQ pose and Daniel playing the background

                                                             Daniel showing how tall he is

Alex is showing off his two front teeth!

Alex in our front yard--where are his socks you ask?...we have no idea!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Weekend...

Abe, Alex and I spent this absolutely beautiful weekend visitng with my family in the country. The trees have started to change already out there, and the scenery is incredible since they are surrounded by so many mountains. I have some pictures of the nice fall foliage that I'll post later. Alex had a great time! He got to pick his first pumpkin from Higson's Farm in Wiley Ford, WV. It's a smaller farm about 30 minutes from where I grew up. They had tons to choose from, and they're super cheap out there, so we got two big pumpkins and a little one to represent Alex. They are now sitting in front of our house and we are hoping they don't get smashed. I think it's ridiculous when people go around smashing pumpkin, and I can honestly say that's something I never did when I was younger. I just never saw the point in it. They've been there for a few hours now though, and so far, so good. My family was shocked to see how big Alex is getting. His nana had bought him about a thousand new things (as usual) so we spent some time looking at the new vlothes and letting him play with his new toys. By the time we were finished unwinding Friday night, Alex was going to bed way late! He still did very well though, considering. He also got to visit with his Great-Grandma who could only see him for a bit since she left for Missouri very early this morning. She is very excited to see him in two weeks when we go back for Trick-or-Treating and my brother's 23rd birthday. My Grandma's town has always held Trick-or-Treating on the Sunday before Halloween, because they don't like the kids running around at night. It works out great for us, because now he can dress up and Trick-or Treat here and there, and everyone gets to see him in his costume. My brother (who is back in action once again) is turning 23 on October 27, so we'll also be celebrating that he's managed to make it to 23! LOL.  Well--I better say goodnight soon. Field Trip tomorrow--me vs. LOTS of 7th graders means I need my sanity rest. Have a great week and enjoy the photos posted!

Alex in his light-up Halloween shirt with two of our pumpkins!

 With his nana at Higson's Farm in WV

                                                             Showing off his two new teeth!

                                                                        Alex and Mommy

 Our pumkpins in fornt of our house!

The leaves along the road in Lavale

As you can see, he still likes to stick out his tongue!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Alex is 7 Months Old!

Alex turned 7 months old yesterday, October 5. I can't believe how big he's getting! We took him to the doctor today and he weighs 19lbs. 120z. (65th percentile) and is 27 3/4 inches long (70th percentile). His head circumference is 44 cm (50th percentile). She said he'sright on track and doing very well. He's hit all of the milestones they expect babies to hit at 7 months! We were of course thrilled to hear that our little man is growing normally and doing well. He got 3 shots--one of which was a flu shot. He did really well with them though! He cried for maybe 3 minutes initially and then never made another peep. He now has two teeth! His two incisors have arrived and he's doing really well with them. No fevers, no sleepless nights, and minimal fussiness. I know, I know..we're lucky and our second one will be a demon..we've already been told. We have such a good baby though, it's true! He slept through the night at 2 months, hasn't woken up at night since, never spits up, and is just generally very at ease and content most of the time. He pretty much eats all of his baby food, and doesn't seem very picky with anything anymore. He even eats peas okay now! We can only hope that #2 will mimic his/her brothers actions when he/she comes along down the road. We probably won't be this lucky again though! LOL. In other news, we had a family yardsale on Sunday at Maria's house and had eight children running around her house! Maria's two sons, Mary's son and daughter, our son, and Corinne's son and two daughters! It was like a daycare! Very fun though! Three of the kids were under one year! Alex was born in March, Julia in July, and Charlye in September! It's really cool that they'll all grow up together though. Some pictures from the weekend follow. Enjoy!

Alex all bundled up for his walk home from daycare

Alex playing with Daddy

One of Alex's many talents--chewing on his foot!

Alex holding his bunny!

Abe eating his giant raisin loaf! LOL.

Some pics from Sunday!


















Friday, October 31, 2008

Check out my Slide Show!

[slideshow id=2738188573457044716&w=426&h=320]

hApPy HaLLoWeEn!

Alex enjoyed his very first Halloween this evening. He dressed up as a dragon and trick-or-treated up and down Abe's Mom's street in Dundalk! We took him down around 5:30, and got him dressed along with the boys. Dylan was bobo fett from Star Wars, Daniel was Ironman, Matthew was a cowboy, and Julia was festive in her Halloween shirt. We then put Alex in the stroller and made our way up and down Roberts Ave. with all four boys. At the end of the street, the 3 older boys wanted to continue, but I could tell by the way Alex was hunching to the side in his little dragon costume that he was done with his first trick-or-treating experience. I strolled him back to the house and he was fast asleep by the time we got back up the street. After we all had our trick-or-treating fun, we gathered inside and celebrated Mary's b-day. Her actual b-day is Oct. 28, but we decided to celebrate tonight, since Abe and I had to make a change in plans and venture home this weekend. Happy __th b-day Mary!! We're leaving tomorrow for my parents and the coming back on Sunday. I have been battling pneumonia for the past twp weeks almost, so we couldn't go out last weekend when we originally wanted to. I'm finally feeling somewhat better, despite the side effects of the antibiotic, so we decided to go on out this weekend, so everyone could see how big Alex is getting. We're also celebrating my brother's 23rd b-day, which was Oct.27. We're a year apart now until March when I'll turn 25. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Halloween, now we look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hannukah. My favorite time of year, despite the frigid temps! Don't forget to fall back on Sunday! Enjoy some cute pics!

                                                     Alex smiling in his dragon costume!

Daniel and Alex hanging out before tick-or-treating

                                                      Matthew, Alex, and Dylan hanging out

                                                      Mary blowing out her b-day candles!

                                                                      Playing before bed

                              Abe and I are convinced he'll be taking this swing to college with him!

                                                          Trick-or-treating is no joke Mommy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Army Crawl

Alex is a little over 7and a half months old now and he's been getting up on his hands and knees and showing signs of moving forward for weeks now. Well, on Sunday, he started doing this "army crawl" type of maneuver. If we put something inetersting (i.e. a flashing toythat moves or a cat!) at one side of the room, he drags himself across the floor to get it. He can moves on his knees but loses his hold on his hands, thus resulting in pulling himself along with his belly still on the ground. I am wondering though if we count any movement as crawling or have to wait for him to be on hands and knees. It's such a gray area. We want to fill in his baby book correctly and everything, but it's not as cut and dry as we thought it would be. We're still not sure if he's said his first word. He babbles "mamama" and "dadada", but it just seems like babble. One time he looked right at me and said "mama" and has done that a couple times since then, but who knows! He had a blast playing with his cousins at Weber's Farm in Parkville on Sunday. He had absolutely no reaction whatsoever to the slide or th hayride--just stared off into space, but we know he loved it! LOL.He'll be going to his first trick-or-treating on Sunday at my Grandma's house. I can't wait to see him in his costume, and can't wait to see if it still fits--we bought it a month ago when they were on sale! LOL. Some pics from the week:

Me feeding Alex his morning takes him about 6 minutes to drink 6 ounces!


                                                        Our family picture at Weber's Farm

                              Me and Alex on the silde at Weber's--he looks enthralled, doesn't he???

Abe and Julia--can you believe how big she is getting?

                                            Abe, Alex, and Matthew smiling for the camera

Dylan and Matthew playing on the tires

                                  Dylan doing his GQ pose and Daniel playing the background

                                                             Daniel showing how tall he is

Alex is showing off his two front teeth!

Alex in our front yard--where are his socks you ask?...we have no idea!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Weekend...

Abe, Alex and I spent this absolutely beautiful weekend visitng with my family in the country. The trees have started to change already out there, and the scenery is incredible since they are surrounded by so many mountains. I have some pictures of the nice fall foliage that I'll post later. Alex had a great time! He got to pick his first pumpkin from Higson's Farm in Wiley Ford, WV. It's a smaller farm about 30 minutes from where I grew up. They had tons to choose from, and they're super cheap out there, so we got two big pumpkins and a little one to represent Alex. They are now sitting in front of our house and we are hoping they don't get smashed. I think it's ridiculous when people go around smashing pumpkin, and I can honestly say that's something I never did when I was younger. I just never saw the point in it. They've been there for a few hours now though, and so far, so good. My family was shocked to see how big Alex is getting. His nana had bought him about a thousand new things (as usual) so we spent some time looking at the new vlothes and letting him play with his new toys. By the time we were finished unwinding Friday night, Alex was going to bed way late! He still did very well though, considering. He also got to visit with his Great-Grandma who could only see him for a bit since she left for Missouri very early this morning. She is very excited to see him in two weeks when we go back for Trick-or-Treating and my brother's 23rd birthday. My Grandma's town has always held Trick-or-Treating on the Sunday before Halloween, because they don't like the kids running around at night. It works out great for us, because now he can dress up and Trick-or Treat here and there, and everyone gets to see him in his costume. My brother (who is back in action once again) is turning 23 on October 27, so we'll also be celebrating that he's managed to make it to 23! LOL.  Well--I better say goodnight soon. Field Trip tomorrow--me vs. LOTS of 7th graders means I need my sanity rest. Have a great week and enjoy the photos posted!

Alex in his light-up Halloween shirt with two of our pumpkins!

 With his nana at Higson's Farm in WV

                                                             Showing off his two new teeth!

                                                                        Alex and Mommy

 Our pumkpins in fornt of our house!

The leaves along the road in Lavale

As you can see, he still likes to stick out his tongue!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Alex is 7 Months Old!

Alex turned 7 months old yesterday, October 5. I can't believe how big he's getting! We took him to the doctor today and he weighs 19lbs. 120z. (65th percentile) and is 27 3/4 inches long (70th percentile). His head circumference is 44 cm (50th percentile). She said he'sright on track and doing very well. He's hit all of the milestones they expect babies to hit at 7 months! We were of course thrilled to hear that our little man is growing normally and doing well. He got 3 shots--one of which was a flu shot. He did really well with them though! He cried for maybe 3 minutes initially and then never made another peep. He now has two teeth! His two incisors have arrived and he's doing really well with them. No fevers, no sleepless nights, and minimal fussiness. I know, I know..we're lucky and our second one will be a demon..we've already been told. We have such a good baby though, it's true! He slept through the night at 2 months, hasn't woken up at night since, never spits up, and is just generally very at ease and content most of the time. He pretty much eats all of his baby food, and doesn't seem very picky with anything anymore. He even eats peas okay now! We can only hope that #2 will mimic his/her brothers actions when he/she comes along down the road. We probably won't be this lucky again though! LOL. In other news, we had a family yardsale on Sunday at Maria's house and had eight children running around her house! Maria's two sons, Mary's son and daughter, our son, and Corinne's son and two daughters! It was like a daycare! Very fun though! Three of the kids were under one year! Alex was born in March, Julia in July, and Charlye in September! It's really cool that they'll all grow up together though. Some pictures from the weekend follow. Enjoy!

Alex all bundled up for his walk home from daycare

Alex playing with Daddy

One of Alex's many talents--chewing on his foot!

Alex holding his bunny!

Abe eating his giant raisin loaf! LOL.

Some pics from Sunday!