Last week we spent Monday thru Friday at the beach--Ocean City, MD to be exact. Ocean City is our closest resort town and we love visiting. In fact, we have been fortunate enough to be able to go every year for the past 5 years. It was even more special this year, because we know that next year we probably will not make it to Ocean City since we are planning a big Disney trip in June 2012. We had a really great vacation, despite a little 24 hour stomach bug Abe and Alex ended up with on Tuesday and a little ear infection Amaya had at the beginning of the week. We still made the most of our trip though. Went to the beach everyday (except Abe and Alex skipped out on Tuesday of course!), walked the boardwalk every night, played in the arcade, rode the famous OC trolley, and ate lots of yummy boardwalk food. Alex's favorite part of the trip was most definitely playing bowling at the Sportland Arcade at the inlet. He was allowed 3 games per night, since each game cost $1 and he played his 3 games every night we were there! He still asks when he can go back and play bowling again. He played with his trucks in the sand the first day, but wanted no part of getting sand all over him the other day he went. He also wanted no part of going anywhere near the water! Amaya, on the other hand,was a little sand crab. She loved, loved, loved the sand. She rolled in it, dug her feet and hands in it, and even tasted it! She also enjoyed the water. She liked to stand at the edge and let the waves crash into her feet. She even got knocked down and Mommy had to rescue her a few times (considering she only weighs about 21 lbs.) But she got right back up and wanted to do it again. Both kids really enjoyed lounging in their strollers while cruising up and down the boardwalk at night too. We all came home tanned and tired, but I can defintely say we're missing the beach and being on beach time this week! What a great way to start the summer!

Riding the trolley

Hanging out on the boardwalk wall

Alex hanging out on the balcony

Abe and Alex on the beach!

Abe and I taking a self-portrait in front of the ocean

"Hey, I could use some help with this people!"

Digging in the sand

Big smiles after getting soaked in the water

Loving the waves!

Little sand crab laying on her towel

My little model posing for a pic on the beach