Sunday, December 20, 2009

CRAZY snowfall!

Yesterday, the storm of the season hit us. We ended up with about 2 feet of snow in all. Alex went outside for a total of about 15 mintes before he grew really tired of the cold and the wind and actually ran to our door wanting to go back inside. I can't say I blame the poor boy. It was beyond freezing and the snow was almost up to his chest! So we spent most of the day inside, playing and watching good ole TV all day. He actually grew so bored of his toys and being inside the house that we gave him a small Christmas present early! LOL. Amaya spent the entire day inside and chilled in her swing for a few minutes while we let her brother experience the "great outdoors" and let her Daddy attempt to shovel. Now we're just hanging around, and planning what Christmas shopping still needs to be done. Hopefully, we will be able to do some shopping tomorrow. We will see! Enjoy some of our photos in the snow!

Abe and Alex in the snow

Up to his waist by noon yesterday

Pointing at the snow with his tongue out

Alex standing on our walkway with Abe shoveling in the background

Miss Amaya hanging out on her playmat during all of the excitement


  1. I wondered if you had received that much snow! We're used to it so it came as no surprise to get about 18 inches of the white stuff. Everyone worked outside shoveling and plowing and just trying to stay ahead of the snow. At the end of the day, I was about ready to climb the walls.
    It looks like Alex and Abe enjoyed the snow as much as they could. It was cold here, also, and not too pleasant to be outside.
    Can't wait to see you all at Christmas...just counting the days now. Merry Christmas!

  2. Alex looked like he had so much fun!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

CRAZY snowfall!

Yesterday, the storm of the season hit us. We ended up with about 2 feet of snow in all. Alex went outside for a total of about 15 mintes before he grew really tired of the cold and the wind and actually ran to our door wanting to go back inside. I can't say I blame the poor boy. It was beyond freezing and the snow was almost up to his chest! So we spent most of the day inside, playing and watching good ole TV all day. He actually grew so bored of his toys and being inside the house that we gave him a small Christmas present early! LOL. Amaya spent the entire day inside and chilled in her swing for a few minutes while we let her brother experience the "great outdoors" and let her Daddy attempt to shovel. Now we're just hanging around, and planning what Christmas shopping still needs to be done. Hopefully, we will be able to do some shopping tomorrow. We will see! Enjoy some of our photos in the snow!

Abe and Alex in the snow

Up to his waist by noon yesterday

Pointing at the snow with his tongue out

Alex standing on our walkway with Abe shoveling in the background

Miss Amaya hanging out on her playmat during all of the excitement


  1. I wondered if you had received that much snow! We're used to it so it came as no surprise to get about 18 inches of the white stuff. Everyone worked outside shoveling and plowing and just trying to stay ahead of the snow. At the end of the day, I was about ready to climb the walls.
    It looks like Alex and Abe enjoyed the snow as much as they could. It was cold here, also, and not too pleasant to be outside.
    Can't wait to see you all at Christmas...just counting the days now. Merry Christmas!

  2. Alex looked like he had so much fun!


Sunday, December 20, 2009

CRAZY snowfall!

Yesterday, the storm of the season hit us. We ended up with about 2 feet of snow in all. Alex went outside for a total of about 15 mintes before he grew really tired of the cold and the wind and actually ran to our door wanting to go back inside. I can't say I blame the poor boy. It was beyond freezing and the snow was almost up to his chest! So we spent most of the day inside, playing and watching good ole TV all day. He actually grew so bored of his toys and being inside the house that we gave him a small Christmas present early! LOL. Amaya spent the entire day inside and chilled in her swing for a few minutes while we let her brother experience the "great outdoors" and let her Daddy attempt to shovel. Now we're just hanging around, and planning what Christmas shopping still needs to be done. Hopefully, we will be able to do some shopping tomorrow. We will see! Enjoy some of our photos in the snow!

Abe and Alex in the snow

Up to his waist by noon yesterday

Pointing at the snow with his tongue out

Alex standing on our walkway with Abe shoveling in the background

Miss Amaya hanging out on her playmat during all of the excitement


  1. I wondered if you had received that much snow! We're used to it so it came as no surprise to get about 18 inches of the white stuff. Everyone worked outside shoveling and plowing and just trying to stay ahead of the snow. At the end of the day, I was about ready to climb the walls.
    It looks like Alex and Abe enjoyed the snow as much as they could. It was cold here, also, and not too pleasant to be outside.
    Can't wait to see you all at Christmas...just counting the days now. Merry Christmas!

  2. Alex looked like he had so much fun!
