Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Lola!!

January 6th is Ms. Medy's birthday, so we celebrated with her at her hosue on Sunday. We had lots of good food, a yummy chocolate cake from Geresbecks, and watched her open her presents. She got a lot of really nice things, including some gift cards and a birthstone necklace from the grandkids. It has each child's birthstone in birth order and "Lola" engraved on a disc in the middle. She really seemed to like the kids' present because she wore it all day! We also watched the Ravens kick the Patriots' butts Sunday afternoon in their first playoff game. Yay Ravens! Now we just have to hope they can beat the Colts on Saturday! We all dressed in our Ravens gear, and since little Amaya doesn't have any Ravens gear yet, we dressed her up in her first pair of tights and a pink dress. She looked so cute! She's finally starting to fit into more clothing. When we took her to the doctor on Friday, she weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz! It's only the 5th percentile, but she's growing really well considering her tiny size at birth. She's also very healthy and developing normally. Speaking of doctor's visits though, Alex had to be seen Friday as well,and he has RSV :( So he's been home for 4 days with a fever and a terrible cough. His fever is finally gone today, so I am thinking he'll be good to go to daycare tomorrow! Enjoy some of our pics from the week!

Me and Abe in our Ravens gear with Amaya

Really cute pic of Abe and Amaya

Amaya smiling in her first pair of tights!

Staying home from daycare and eating breakfast on his special tray




  1. Great pictures! Alex loves his new tray!

    I wonder if Lola finally took the tag off of her new necklace!

  2. Your little family is so precious! Amays is beautiful. Getting so big already. Hope all is well with you guys :-)

  3. She is so pretty! I also am lovin that tv tray that Alex has!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Lola!!

January 6th is Ms. Medy's birthday, so we celebrated with her at her hosue on Sunday. We had lots of good food, a yummy chocolate cake from Geresbecks, and watched her open her presents. She got a lot of really nice things, including some gift cards and a birthstone necklace from the grandkids. It has each child's birthstone in birth order and "Lola" engraved on a disc in the middle. She really seemed to like the kids' present because she wore it all day! We also watched the Ravens kick the Patriots' butts Sunday afternoon in their first playoff game. Yay Ravens! Now we just have to hope they can beat the Colts on Saturday! We all dressed in our Ravens gear, and since little Amaya doesn't have any Ravens gear yet, we dressed her up in her first pair of tights and a pink dress. She looked so cute! She's finally starting to fit into more clothing. When we took her to the doctor on Friday, she weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz! It's only the 5th percentile, but she's growing really well considering her tiny size at birth. She's also very healthy and developing normally. Speaking of doctor's visits though, Alex had to be seen Friday as well,and he has RSV :( So he's been home for 4 days with a fever and a terrible cough. His fever is finally gone today, so I am thinking he'll be good to go to daycare tomorrow! Enjoy some of our pics from the week!

Me and Abe in our Ravens gear with Amaya

Really cute pic of Abe and Amaya

Amaya smiling in her first pair of tights!

Staying home from daycare and eating breakfast on his special tray




  1. Great pictures! Alex loves his new tray!

    I wonder if Lola finally took the tag off of her new necklace!

  2. Your little family is so precious! Amays is beautiful. Getting so big already. Hope all is well with you guys :-)

  3. She is so pretty! I also am lovin that tv tray that Alex has!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Lola!!

January 6th is Ms. Medy's birthday, so we celebrated with her at her hosue on Sunday. We had lots of good food, a yummy chocolate cake from Geresbecks, and watched her open her presents. She got a lot of really nice things, including some gift cards and a birthstone necklace from the grandkids. It has each child's birthstone in birth order and "Lola" engraved on a disc in the middle. She really seemed to like the kids' present because she wore it all day! We also watched the Ravens kick the Patriots' butts Sunday afternoon in their first playoff game. Yay Ravens! Now we just have to hope they can beat the Colts on Saturday! We all dressed in our Ravens gear, and since little Amaya doesn't have any Ravens gear yet, we dressed her up in her first pair of tights and a pink dress. She looked so cute! She's finally starting to fit into more clothing. When we took her to the doctor on Friday, she weighed 8 lbs. 11 oz! It's only the 5th percentile, but she's growing really well considering her tiny size at birth. She's also very healthy and developing normally. Speaking of doctor's visits though, Alex had to be seen Friday as well,and he has RSV :( So he's been home for 4 days with a fever and a terrible cough. His fever is finally gone today, so I am thinking he'll be good to go to daycare tomorrow! Enjoy some of our pics from the week!

Me and Abe in our Ravens gear with Amaya

Really cute pic of Abe and Amaya

Amaya smiling in her first pair of tights!

Staying home from daycare and eating breakfast on his special tray




  1. Great pictures! Alex loves his new tray!

    I wonder if Lola finally took the tag off of her new necklace!

  2. Your little family is so precious! Amays is beautiful. Getting so big already. Hope all is well with you guys :-)

  3. She is so pretty! I also am lovin that tv tray that Alex has!
