Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Amaya's1st Birthday...Part II

Since my family lives so far from us, we usually celebrate the kids' birthdays twice--once here in Baltimore and once out in Western MD. So, on November 13th, we traveled home and hosted another party for little Amaya at my parents' house. She had a blast spending time with family, eating cake, and opening all of her presents. She got tons of cute girly clothes, and her favorite toy,a baby stroller. She pushes it around with her baby in it, and of course in true Amaya fashions, she tries to climb it and ride in it herself! All in all, we had a wonderful day and we want to thank my family for attending and making her day once again a special celebration. We just can't believe she's 1 already! Getting ready to leave with Daddy All dressed up and ready to party! Eating a popsicle at the party Playing cars with Uncle Brandon Making a silly face with Daddy Me opening a present, Amaya trying to scale it of course

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Amaya's1st Birthday...Part II

Since my family lives so far from us, we usually celebrate the kids' birthdays twice--once here in Baltimore and once out in Western MD. So, on November 13th, we traveled home and hosted another party for little Amaya at my parents' house. She had a blast spending time with family, eating cake, and opening all of her presents. She got tons of cute girly clothes, and her favorite toy,a baby stroller. She pushes it around with her baby in it, and of course in true Amaya fashions, she tries to climb it and ride in it herself! All in all, we had a wonderful day and we want to thank my family for attending and making her day once again a special celebration. We just can't believe she's 1 already! Getting ready to leave with Daddy All dressed up and ready to party! Eating a popsicle at the party Playing cars with Uncle Brandon Making a silly face with Daddy Me opening a present, Amaya trying to scale it of course

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Amaya's1st Birthday...Part II

Since my family lives so far from us, we usually celebrate the kids' birthdays twice--once here in Baltimore and once out in Western MD. So, on November 13th, we traveled home and hosted another party for little Amaya at my parents' house. She had a blast spending time with family, eating cake, and opening all of her presents. She got tons of cute girly clothes, and her favorite toy,a baby stroller. She pushes it around with her baby in it, and of course in true Amaya fashions, she tries to climb it and ride in it herself! All in all, we had a wonderful day and we want to thank my family for attending and making her day once again a special celebration. We just can't believe she's 1 already! Getting ready to leave with Daddy All dressed up and ready to party! Eating a popsicle at the party Playing cars with Uncle Brandon Making a silly face with Daddy Me opening a present, Amaya trying to scale it of course

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