Saturday, February 5, 2011

Our snowy half-week together!

Just when I was starting to whine about the lack of snow days we teachers have had this year, mother nature decided to send a pretty sizable snow storm our way! We ended up out of school from Wed. Jan 26- Fri. Jan 28th,and we loved every minute of it! I kept the kids home with me so we could have fun playing together in the snow and indoors, and we did have a blast. The kids got to sleep in (and Mommy too!) and we ot to enjoy long breakfasts together of our usual cereal and oatmeal, staying in our pj's a little longer than normal, playing in the snow of course, and cuddling on the couch together watching movies. The favorite movie of course was Thomas than Tank Engine, which was watched more than once. I have to say my personal favorite part of our 3 days together was letting Amaya stay in with Abe while he worked in his office, and taking Alex on a journey around the neighborhood in search of the perfect stick arms for our snowman. We pretended we were on an expedition in Anarctica and we had a mission to collect sticks. He had a blast pretending with me and felt like such a big boy because he got to go somewhere Amaya couldn't go! I also loved cuddling next to both kids in our bed while we all took long afternoon naps together. Days liek those 3 recent snow days together remind me of one of the realy wonderful perks of my job--not just the time off of work, but the time just being a Mom full-time, and that's what I love the most on lazy winter snow days! It was Amaya's first time really playing in snow!
My big boy Alex smiling right before our snowball fight!
ornery girl taking off her gloves!
Me and Alex's footprints in the snow on our journey around the neighborhood Alex on our journey

What?? I don't know why there's yellow snow there!

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Our snowy half-week together!

Just when I was starting to whine about the lack of snow days we teachers have had this year, mother nature decided to send a pretty sizable snow storm our way! We ended up out of school from Wed. Jan 26- Fri. Jan 28th,and we loved every minute of it! I kept the kids home with me so we could have fun playing together in the snow and indoors, and we did have a blast. The kids got to sleep in (and Mommy too!) and we ot to enjoy long breakfasts together of our usual cereal and oatmeal, staying in our pj's a little longer than normal, playing in the snow of course, and cuddling on the couch together watching movies. The favorite movie of course was Thomas than Tank Engine, which was watched more than once. I have to say my personal favorite part of our 3 days together was letting Amaya stay in with Abe while he worked in his office, and taking Alex on a journey around the neighborhood in search of the perfect stick arms for our snowman. We pretended we were on an expedition in Anarctica and we had a mission to collect sticks. He had a blast pretending with me and felt like such a big boy because he got to go somewhere Amaya couldn't go! I also loved cuddling next to both kids in our bed while we all took long afternoon naps together. Days liek those 3 recent snow days together remind me of one of the realy wonderful perks of my job--not just the time off of work, but the time just being a Mom full-time, and that's what I love the most on lazy winter snow days! It was Amaya's first time really playing in snow!
My big boy Alex smiling right before our snowball fight!
ornery girl taking off her gloves!
Me and Alex's footprints in the snow on our journey around the neighborhood Alex on our journey

What?? I don't know why there's yellow snow there!

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Our snowy half-week together!

Just when I was starting to whine about the lack of snow days we teachers have had this year, mother nature decided to send a pretty sizable snow storm our way! We ended up out of school from Wed. Jan 26- Fri. Jan 28th,and we loved every minute of it! I kept the kids home with me so we could have fun playing together in the snow and indoors, and we did have a blast. The kids got to sleep in (and Mommy too!) and we ot to enjoy long breakfasts together of our usual cereal and oatmeal, staying in our pj's a little longer than normal, playing in the snow of course, and cuddling on the couch together watching movies. The favorite movie of course was Thomas than Tank Engine, which was watched more than once. I have to say my personal favorite part of our 3 days together was letting Amaya stay in with Abe while he worked in his office, and taking Alex on a journey around the neighborhood in search of the perfect stick arms for our snowman. We pretended we were on an expedition in Anarctica and we had a mission to collect sticks. He had a blast pretending with me and felt like such a big boy because he got to go somewhere Amaya couldn't go! I also loved cuddling next to both kids in our bed while we all took long afternoon naps together. Days liek those 3 recent snow days together remind me of one of the realy wonderful perks of my job--not just the time off of work, but the time just being a Mom full-time, and that's what I love the most on lazy winter snow days! It was Amaya's first time really playing in snow!
My big boy Alex smiling right before our snowball fight!
ornery girl taking off her gloves!
Me and Alex's footprints in the snow on our journey around the neighborhood Alex on our journey

What?? I don't know why there's yellow snow there!

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