Thursday, May 5, 2011

Birthday Party in the Park

Last Saturday, we attended a really fun and exciting birthday party for a little girl from Alex and Amaya's daycare. It was our kids' first non-family b-day party ever! lol Gabby has been in daycare with Alex since she was 4 months old and he was 6 months old, and she is the cutest, tiniest little sweetheart of a girl. She turned 3 years old on April 28 and her family threw a really fun bash at Gunpowder State Park, in Chase. It was really cool for Abe and I as well to see what amazing things are just around the corner from our house! This park is only about 10 minutes from us, and there's a beach and a really nice playground and we had no idea it was there, even though we've lived in Chase for 3 years now! The kids had so much fun playing together on the playground, eating "Cinderella" cake, and watching Gabby open all of her princess gifts! We also got to watch 4 deer grazing just feet from the payground and they were so tame, they didn't even run until Gabby's older brother, Taylor screamed at them. lol Check out some pics from the fun birthday party!

Alex and his buddy Taylor (Gabby's brother) He loves playing with Taylor when he gets to see him!
Amaya climbing on some tires

haha..these girls are on a mission. Gabby says Amaya is her best so cute!

Going down the slide with Daddy..she loved it!

Has nothing to do with the party, but look how cute my boy is in his soccer uniform! He's # 1 too!

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Birthday Party in the Park

Last Saturday, we attended a really fun and exciting birthday party for a little girl from Alex and Amaya's daycare. It was our kids' first non-family b-day party ever! lol Gabby has been in daycare with Alex since she was 4 months old and he was 6 months old, and she is the cutest, tiniest little sweetheart of a girl. She turned 3 years old on April 28 and her family threw a really fun bash at Gunpowder State Park, in Chase. It was really cool for Abe and I as well to see what amazing things are just around the corner from our house! This park is only about 10 minutes from us, and there's a beach and a really nice playground and we had no idea it was there, even though we've lived in Chase for 3 years now! The kids had so much fun playing together on the playground, eating "Cinderella" cake, and watching Gabby open all of her princess gifts! We also got to watch 4 deer grazing just feet from the payground and they were so tame, they didn't even run until Gabby's older brother, Taylor screamed at them. lol Check out some pics from the fun birthday party!

Alex and his buddy Taylor (Gabby's brother) He loves playing with Taylor when he gets to see him!
Amaya climbing on some tires

haha..these girls are on a mission. Gabby says Amaya is her best so cute!

Going down the slide with Daddy..she loved it!

Has nothing to do with the party, but look how cute my boy is in his soccer uniform! He's # 1 too!

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Birthday Party in the Park

Last Saturday, we attended a really fun and exciting birthday party for a little girl from Alex and Amaya's daycare. It was our kids' first non-family b-day party ever! lol Gabby has been in daycare with Alex since she was 4 months old and he was 6 months old, and she is the cutest, tiniest little sweetheart of a girl. She turned 3 years old on April 28 and her family threw a really fun bash at Gunpowder State Park, in Chase. It was really cool for Abe and I as well to see what amazing things are just around the corner from our house! This park is only about 10 minutes from us, and there's a beach and a really nice playground and we had no idea it was there, even though we've lived in Chase for 3 years now! The kids had so much fun playing together on the playground, eating "Cinderella" cake, and watching Gabby open all of her princess gifts! We also got to watch 4 deer grazing just feet from the payground and they were so tame, they didn't even run until Gabby's older brother, Taylor screamed at them. lol Check out some pics from the fun birthday party!

Alex and his buddy Taylor (Gabby's brother) He loves playing with Taylor when he gets to see him!
Amaya climbing on some tires

haha..these girls are on a mission. Gabby says Amaya is her best so cute!

Going down the slide with Daddy..she loved it!

Has nothing to do with the party, but look how cute my boy is in his soccer uniform! He's # 1 too!

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