Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin Fun!

This past Tuesday, we decided to turn our newly purchased pumpkins into art! The other day at Target, I picked up a kit to transfrom one pumpkin into Lightening McQueen. Since I have probably the biggest Cars fan in America living in my house, I knew he would be excited to decorate his pumpkin with his favorite character. So we bored some holes into Alex's pumpkin and let him put the pieces in where he wanted. With Amaya's pumpkin, I decided I needed to carve at least one, since I like to roast the yummy pumpkin seeds and I need seeds to be able to do that. So I carved a cute little face into hers. I tried to get Miss Princess to help me take the "guts" out of the pumpkin, but her exact words were "Ewwww..Mommy NO!" LOL So that was that...Here's some pics of our pumpkin decorating process!I am offering to let her help me take out the "guts" of the pumpkin, but she wants no part of it!

Alex and Amaya with their favorite scary decoration (Alex picked it out!) Both kids call him "bad boy" LOL

Our completed projects!

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin Fun!

This past Tuesday, we decided to turn our newly purchased pumpkins into art! The other day at Target, I picked up a kit to transfrom one pumpkin into Lightening McQueen. Since I have probably the biggest Cars fan in America living in my house, I knew he would be excited to decorate his pumpkin with his favorite character. So we bored some holes into Alex's pumpkin and let him put the pieces in where he wanted. With Amaya's pumpkin, I decided I needed to carve at least one, since I like to roast the yummy pumpkin seeds and I need seeds to be able to do that. So I carved a cute little face into hers. I tried to get Miss Princess to help me take the "guts" out of the pumpkin, but her exact words were "Ewwww..Mommy NO!" LOL So that was that...Here's some pics of our pumpkin decorating process!I am offering to let her help me take out the "guts" of the pumpkin, but she wants no part of it!

Alex and Amaya with their favorite scary decoration (Alex picked it out!) Both kids call him "bad boy" LOL

Our completed projects!

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin Fun!

This past Tuesday, we decided to turn our newly purchased pumpkins into art! The other day at Target, I picked up a kit to transfrom one pumpkin into Lightening McQueen. Since I have probably the biggest Cars fan in America living in my house, I knew he would be excited to decorate his pumpkin with his favorite character. So we bored some holes into Alex's pumpkin and let him put the pieces in where he wanted. With Amaya's pumpkin, I decided I needed to carve at least one, since I like to roast the yummy pumpkin seeds and I need seeds to be able to do that. So I carved a cute little face into hers. I tried to get Miss Princess to help me take the "guts" out of the pumpkin, but her exact words were "Ewwww..Mommy NO!" LOL So that was that...Here's some pics of our pumpkin decorating process!I am offering to let her help me take out the "guts" of the pumpkin, but she wants no part of it!

Alex and Amaya with their favorite scary decoration (Alex picked it out!) Both kids call him "bad boy" LOL

Our completed projects!

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