Monday, July 13, 2009

Gymboree and More Birthday Fun!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 078

Alex had his first class at Gymboree Play and Learn on Saturday, and he LOVED it! We've been looking around for awhile now for a program for him to participate in, and finally after taking him to a Gymnastics class that was way too structured and looking into another toddler gym that was way too early in the morning (8:15--Yikes! Alex is a late sleeper, like his parents:) and kind of far, we settled on Gymboree in Nottingham which is about 15 minutes from us. He is a Level 4, which is the age range of 16 mos-23 mos. The teacher allowed a lot of time for free play and tried to do some little songs and bubbles and parachute time, but with kids that age, they would run away and do what they wanted to most of the time! Alex actually did sit on my lap for the songs and the parachute game. His favorite part was their ball collection and basketball hoop. He loved playing with all of the different balls. He also really liked climbing up and down some of the structures too, and we were amazed at how well he could actually do that. He surprised us! We also attended a birthday party for a friend of mine's daughter Natalia. She turned 1 on July 10. She and Alex played well together, though she was so much more social than him! He was so shy at first, as usual, but warmed up after a little bit and played with her. She looked so cute in her little dress and hair bow, and it reminded Abe and I of how fun a girl is going to be for us, although I think  Abe is a little concerned about the hair bows and putting them in right..LOL. Enjoy the pics from this week!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 090

Climbing at Gymboree

Alex 16 Months July 2009 079

Climbing to the top with Daddy's help...he could do it by himself by the end!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 061

Big smile with Daddy

Alex 16 Months July 2009 098

He was being a "big  helper" and helping me wrap Natalia's gift--by sitting on it of course!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 101

Alex and Natalia playing together with one of her toys

Alex 16 Months July 2009 105

The cute little birthday girl

Alex 16 Months July 2009 111

We have a little drummer on our hands

Alex 16 Months July 2009 118

Using a fork to eat his scrambled eggs..he's starting to use utensils now!



  1. What a big boy using utensils! Thats great! It looks like he had so much fun at Natalia's 1st birthday party and he really like Gymboree- best place for kids because they take a nice little nap once the class is done!

  2. That's our cash cow right there! Bangs those drums son!


Monday, July 13, 2009

Gymboree and More Birthday Fun!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 078

Alex had his first class at Gymboree Play and Learn on Saturday, and he LOVED it! We've been looking around for awhile now for a program for him to participate in, and finally after taking him to a Gymnastics class that was way too structured and looking into another toddler gym that was way too early in the morning (8:15--Yikes! Alex is a late sleeper, like his parents:) and kind of far, we settled on Gymboree in Nottingham which is about 15 minutes from us. He is a Level 4, which is the age range of 16 mos-23 mos. The teacher allowed a lot of time for free play and tried to do some little songs and bubbles and parachute time, but with kids that age, they would run away and do what they wanted to most of the time! Alex actually did sit on my lap for the songs and the parachute game. His favorite part was their ball collection and basketball hoop. He loved playing with all of the different balls. He also really liked climbing up and down some of the structures too, and we were amazed at how well he could actually do that. He surprised us! We also attended a birthday party for a friend of mine's daughter Natalia. She turned 1 on July 10. She and Alex played well together, though she was so much more social than him! He was so shy at first, as usual, but warmed up after a little bit and played with her. She looked so cute in her little dress and hair bow, and it reminded Abe and I of how fun a girl is going to be for us, although I think  Abe is a little concerned about the hair bows and putting them in right..LOL. Enjoy the pics from this week!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 090

Climbing at Gymboree

Alex 16 Months July 2009 079

Climbing to the top with Daddy's help...he could do it by himself by the end!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 061

Big smile with Daddy

Alex 16 Months July 2009 098

He was being a "big  helper" and helping me wrap Natalia's gift--by sitting on it of course!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 101

Alex and Natalia playing together with one of her toys

Alex 16 Months July 2009 105

The cute little birthday girl

Alex 16 Months July 2009 111

We have a little drummer on our hands

Alex 16 Months July 2009 118

Using a fork to eat his scrambled eggs..he's starting to use utensils now!



  1. What a big boy using utensils! Thats great! It looks like he had so much fun at Natalia's 1st birthday party and he really like Gymboree- best place for kids because they take a nice little nap once the class is done!

  2. That's our cash cow right there! Bangs those drums son!


Monday, July 13, 2009

Gymboree and More Birthday Fun!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 078

Alex had his first class at Gymboree Play and Learn on Saturday, and he LOVED it! We've been looking around for awhile now for a program for him to participate in, and finally after taking him to a Gymnastics class that was way too structured and looking into another toddler gym that was way too early in the morning (8:15--Yikes! Alex is a late sleeper, like his parents:) and kind of far, we settled on Gymboree in Nottingham which is about 15 minutes from us. He is a Level 4, which is the age range of 16 mos-23 mos. The teacher allowed a lot of time for free play and tried to do some little songs and bubbles and parachute time, but with kids that age, they would run away and do what they wanted to most of the time! Alex actually did sit on my lap for the songs and the parachute game. His favorite part was their ball collection and basketball hoop. He loved playing with all of the different balls. He also really liked climbing up and down some of the structures too, and we were amazed at how well he could actually do that. He surprised us! We also attended a birthday party for a friend of mine's daughter Natalia. She turned 1 on July 10. She and Alex played well together, though she was so much more social than him! He was so shy at first, as usual, but warmed up after a little bit and played with her. She looked so cute in her little dress and hair bow, and it reminded Abe and I of how fun a girl is going to be for us, although I think  Abe is a little concerned about the hair bows and putting them in right..LOL. Enjoy the pics from this week!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 090

Climbing at Gymboree

Alex 16 Months July 2009 079

Climbing to the top with Daddy's help...he could do it by himself by the end!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 061

Big smile with Daddy

Alex 16 Months July 2009 098

He was being a "big  helper" and helping me wrap Natalia's gift--by sitting on it of course!

Alex 16 Months July 2009 101

Alex and Natalia playing together with one of her toys

Alex 16 Months July 2009 105

The cute little birthday girl

Alex 16 Months July 2009 111

We have a little drummer on our hands

Alex 16 Months July 2009 118

Using a fork to eat his scrambled eggs..he's starting to use utensils now!



  1. What a big boy using utensils! Thats great! It looks like he had so much fun at Natalia's 1st birthday party and he really like Gymboree- best place for kids because they take a nice little nap once the class is done!

  2. That's our cash cow right there! Bangs those drums son!
