Alex is 19 Months old now, and I can't even describe the amount of growing he has done in the past two months! He has become so much more verbal and even developed more of an "attitude" when he doesn't get his way or when he wants somehting in particular. He is repeating almost anything and everything we say now, and can even say a few simple sentences. The other day, he handed me his stuffed giraffe at bedtime to hold it for him,and he said "There you go." It was the cutest thing ever! He'salso saying short sentences like, "all done" or "all gone", "thank you" and "love you." I would estimate he's probably saying 30-50 words now. Some of the ones he says most often are "choo choo", because he loves his trains, "Ball", "Eat", "Go", "Nuggets", and "Baby." Though, I am sure he has no idea what a baby will really entail when his sister gets here, he does say the word pretty clearly. He also LOVES to sing. He cab mimic almost any tune, and this amazes us! He sings the ABC song, Wheels on the Bus, Old MacDonald,and Twinkle Twinkle just to name a few. I think his favorite is probably the ABC song, which he kind of half knows the words to as well. It's cool to see him starting to have distinct interests aside from just playing with whatever toys he can find.He defintely gravitates to any kind of sports balls, mathbox cars, or motorized trains that he can find and spends most of his time playing with those things. He'sdefinitely very boyish in his interests! We can't believe how much of a personality he has developed in the past two months! We'll be very interested to see how he reacts when our daughter arrives in the next month or so. Speaking of her, the pregnancy isprogressing well at this point.I am a little stir crazy on bed rest and actuallymiss work, but I know it'sfor the best until she matures enough to be born without complications. It's hard to believe, but she'll probably be here in less than a month.My prediction is the first week of November..we shall see.
Getting a lift from Daddy
Playing outside with his bubbles
Posing with his toys
Alex is already amazingly adept at sports..he can kick a soccer ball all the way up the yard without stopping!
Eating dinner for the first time in his booster--no more high chair!
My HUGE belly at 33 weeks!
Oh and as of recently, he's added funiculi funicula to his favorite song list. He dances crazy when he hears it and tries to sing along!