Monday, February 8, 2010

Amaya's 3 Month Pictures!

Amaya turned 3 Months old on Sunday, Feb. 7th, so we took her to JCPenny's and had some 3Month photos taken. She looked so sweet in her pink dress, and we even got some little smirks! Amaya's not much of a smiler yet, but she grinned a few times for the camera and we got some really good shots. What do you think?

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Amaya's 3 Month Pictures!

Amaya turned 3 Months old on Sunday, Feb. 7th, so we took her to JCPenny's and had some 3Month photos taken. She looked so sweet in her pink dress, and we even got some little smirks! Amaya's not much of a smiler yet, but she grinned a few times for the camera and we got some really good shots. What do you think?

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Amaya's 3 Month Pictures!

Amaya turned 3 Months old on Sunday, Feb. 7th, so we took her to JCPenny's and had some 3Month photos taken. She looked so sweet in her pink dress, and we even got some little smirks! Amaya's not much of a smiler yet, but she grinned a few times for the camera and we got some really good shots. What do you think?

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