She has a face as sweet and cute as an angel, but don't let her tiny little frame and adorable little face fool you--Amaya's nickname is "wildness" for a reason! The child is almost 14months old now, and she requires much attention for all who watch her! I am wondering if it the meaning behind her name. Amaya means "night rain" in Japanese and Soleil means "sun" in French. You know what heat and moisture sometimes create? Tornados? Hurricanes? You guessed it! Some of the things she does on a daily basis that has contributed to her nickname:
Hey Mom, I found these in the kitchen drawer!
Hmmm..look at this cool ornament..let me just pull it off and see what happens!1. Climbs the stairs in about 15 seconds. Turn your back and she'll go missing--guaranteed. You're only option now? Look for her and at our hosue most of the time she's at the top of the stairs smiling down at us.
2. Crushes any attempt made to make her hair look somewhat tame. She usually has the barette/hair band/clippie pulled out seconds after it has been put in. Then she walks around with this wild stick straight hair that hangs in every direction.
3. She's loud. I mean loud. She echos in our house when she's happy, sad, angry..whatever. She's loud!
4. She fights sleep like a wildebeest, the usually passes out at some point during the struggle.
5. She runs everywhere she goes. Walking is no longer enough. She must run now to get where she is going.
6. She eats by shoving all food on her plate into her mouth all at the same time.
7. She climbs everything. Forget the stairs. She climbs her toys, her brother's toys, the couch, the kitchen chairs, the Christmas tree..she's like a little lemur!
So as you can see , Amaya is small, but certainly mighty and gives us a run for our money! When she spins into the room, you'll never forget it!Trying to contain "the wildness." Complete with her leopard print jumpsuit! Her she comes...look at that hair! I sure am cute, but don't be fooled! Don't tell me this only for my baby dolls! If I can fit, I am climbing in!
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