Tuesday, February 22, 2011

President Obama visits Parkville!

I have been teaching for 5 years now, but this is my first year at Parkville having previously been at General John Stricker Middle. And what a year it has been! Last week, we all noticed something strange was happening aorund our building when teams of "suits" began walking around our building--not just for a little while either, all day, every day! They were really checking things out, measuring areas of the school and one guy even came into my classroom and set up a seperate phone line. It was certainly very interesting. Then on Friday, our principal called us into the library as a faculty and told us about our very special guest--President Obama! He came and visited with our faculty and students on February 14th! What an amazing experience it has been to be able to say I had the President of the United States in MY classroom, in MY school. And the best part is he CHOSE our school for it's valuable and cutting edge programs--what an honor--to be chosen by the President. It makes me feel really good as a teacher to see our school and our job be taken seriously and to be given some credit for what we do every single day. It's a very tough job, often you work yourself ragged and only hear negativity in the media, from the parents, from the communities. Seems like there's a whole lot of people who have never taught a single child, never been in a classroom, and they want to share their wonderful opinion about teachers, schools and "today's" students with you. It gets frustrating to be an insider in this career. But President Obama's definitely lifted a lot of spirits in the public education world, and especially in our school!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

President Obama visits Parkville!

I have been teaching for 5 years now, but this is my first year at Parkville having previously been at General John Stricker Middle. And what a year it has been! Last week, we all noticed something strange was happening aorund our building when teams of "suits" began walking around our building--not just for a little while either, all day, every day! They were really checking things out, measuring areas of the school and one guy even came into my classroom and set up a seperate phone line. It was certainly very interesting. Then on Friday, our principal called us into the library as a faculty and told us about our very special guest--President Obama! He came and visited with our faculty and students on February 14th! What an amazing experience it has been to be able to say I had the President of the United States in MY classroom, in MY school. And the best part is he CHOSE our school for it's valuable and cutting edge programs--what an honor--to be chosen by the President. It makes me feel really good as a teacher to see our school and our job be taken seriously and to be given some credit for what we do every single day. It's a very tough job, often you work yourself ragged and only hear negativity in the media, from the parents, from the communities. Seems like there's a whole lot of people who have never taught a single child, never been in a classroom, and they want to share their wonderful opinion about teachers, schools and "today's" students with you. It gets frustrating to be an insider in this career. But President Obama's definitely lifted a lot of spirits in the public education world, and especially in our school!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

President Obama visits Parkville!

I have been teaching for 5 years now, but this is my first year at Parkville having previously been at General John Stricker Middle. And what a year it has been! Last week, we all noticed something strange was happening aorund our building when teams of "suits" began walking around our building--not just for a little while either, all day, every day! They were really checking things out, measuring areas of the school and one guy even came into my classroom and set up a seperate phone line. It was certainly very interesting. Then on Friday, our principal called us into the library as a faculty and told us about our very special guest--President Obama! He came and visited with our faculty and students on February 14th! What an amazing experience it has been to be able to say I had the President of the United States in MY classroom, in MY school. And the best part is he CHOSE our school for it's valuable and cutting edge programs--what an honor--to be chosen by the President. It makes me feel really good as a teacher to see our school and our job be taken seriously and to be given some credit for what we do every single day. It's a very tough job, often you work yourself ragged and only hear negativity in the media, from the parents, from the communities. Seems like there's a whole lot of people who have never taught a single child, never been in a classroom, and they want to share their wonderful opinion about teachers, schools and "today's" students with you. It gets frustrating to be an insider in this career. But President Obama's definitely lifted a lot of spirits in the public education world, and especially in our school!

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