Starting this Saturday, March 26th, Abe will be attending a class at Carroll Community College to get his A+ Certification. This means Mama is going solo at home from 7:30- 5ish. The first long Saturday went just fine, seeing that I am their Mother and am quite used to taking care of them :) It was just long and of course I missed Abe! We pretty much played all day long. We ate cereal for breakfast while listening to some of our favorite songs, watched Cars and the Princess and the Frog and lots of Disney/Nick/Sprout shows, played with dollhouses and cars, played with blocks for awhile, played some bowling and some basketball, colored, and put together puzzles. And somehow I still managed to do all 3 loads of laundry, dust the washer and dryer, finish all te dishes, fix lunch, and put them both down for 2 hour naps. Not to shabby when you're outnumbered 2-1! Here's some pics of our lazy Saturday together!
Alex being silly before getting dressed
Amaya being a little builder
Cheesin' for the camera
Eating some cereal