3 amazing years have flown by so quickly, almost in the blink of an eye. Our little boy is turning 3 on Saturday and I just can't believe how big he is getting. It amazes me even more to think about what my own mother must be thinking since 27 years have flown by for her, but that's another story. Alex arrived very quickly and unexpectedly 11 days early on the night of my 24th birthday, March 5, 2008. I didn't even feel labor pains before my water broke and I was on my way to the hospital by 4:30 PM that day. By 11 PM, he was in my arms and Abe and I were basking in the miracle of the best birthday present I could ever have asked for. His mouth is shaped like mine, and there's something very familar about his smile and his eyes, but he has his father's complexion and his father's hands-- My confidence and his father's logic. He is an amazing little boy and everyday I spend with him I am so thankful he is my son. I can't wait to see what the future holds for him, and I am so excited to help guide him on his way to whatever it is he choses to be in his life. But for now, he is my 3 year old, still my baby who occasionally asks for his ninny at night and will ask me to kiss his boo boos no matter who else is around. He is our little boy who loves animals and will fight like crazy with his sister but always stands up for her when the anyone messes with her. He is a little fighter, driven to prove himself and never content to settle for what someone else says he should do. He does things on his own terms and his own time, but is kind and sweet and very good at remembering his manners. And let's not forget, the boy is pretty good-lookin' and I am not just saying that because I am his mama :) He is our first born and we couldn't be more proud of him! Happy 3rd birthday to our amazing little man! Here are some pics to look back on to remember him at different stages...Alexander Gabriel Arceo
3 Years Old- March 2011
March 5, 2008 10:51 PM
6lbs. 7 oz. 19.5 in.
3 Months Old- June 20086 Months Old- September 20089 Months Old- December 2008
12 Months Old- March 200918 Months- September 20092 Years Old- March 20102.5 Years Old- September 2010
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