My poor little girl is always getting boo boos, and I know it's because she goes at everything full speed ahead with no fear whatsoever. It probably hurts Mommy more than it does her, but she is scary sometimes! We never had to deal with this when Alex was her age. Heck, I could Alex's boo boos on one hand. He barely ever gets hurt. Amaya is another story altogether. Today, as I was cleaning up breakfast in the kitchen, I heard a thump and then a wail from Amaya. I ran into the living room to find her sitting on the floor between her doll house and the toy box crying. I of course picked her up and comforted and in 5 minutes she was better. But then when cuddling with her on the couch maybe 20 minutes later, I happened to glance at her eye and almost freaked out. Her eye had a big red welt on it and was very swollen! My poor little girl! I checked her eye ofr signs of damage to the actual eye, and gave the pediatrician a call, but we both decided the damage was to the eyelid only and there was no need to go to the emergency room, since there's nothing they would do for it anyway. Now she looks a little like a boxer--a very small, cute boxer who had a pretty bad uppercut to the eye! If only I could keep her in a plastic bubble...I have a feeling this won't be the last freak out moment I have as a mother though.
It all started by climbing onto the toy box, which she does frequently and can now do without having to climb onto anything else first. And this was the end result..can you see the nasty boo boo on her eye?
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