Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hippity Hoppity Easter!

Our little Easter cuties all dressed up

Easter has come and gone and the kids had a blast! We were blessed with wonderful weather this past Easter, since it fell so late in April. It was a nice, sunny, warm day in the 70's. We started our day by allowing the kids to open their Easter baskets. Alex had been looking forward to this moment all week, and he was so excited to find a couple of new cars that he didn't already have, a new Cars movie, and a Cars t-shirt! Amaya got two necklaces, a color wonders set and her very first barbie. She has fallen in love with the Princess Belle barbie and plays with her all of the time. After baskets, we attended an eventul church service, where Alex threw a huge tantrum and I had to take him outside--fun, right? After church, we headed to Lola's house for some food and a fun Easter egg hunt. What a great Easter we all had! Enjoy some of the pics from Easter!The kids tearing into their baskets!Amaya using her basket as a

haha..I love it! Amaya is so excited, she can't contain herself!
5 of the kids..we're missing Julia!
4 of the kids--this time have Julia, but of course we're now missing Amaya and Dylan!

Amaya with one of her Easter egg treasures
Me trying to be artistic :)
Alex hunting Easter eggs

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hippity Hoppity Easter!

Our little Easter cuties all dressed up

Easter has come and gone and the kids had a blast! We were blessed with wonderful weather this past Easter, since it fell so late in April. It was a nice, sunny, warm day in the 70's. We started our day by allowing the kids to open their Easter baskets. Alex had been looking forward to this moment all week, and he was so excited to find a couple of new cars that he didn't already have, a new Cars movie, and a Cars t-shirt! Amaya got two necklaces, a color wonders set and her very first barbie. She has fallen in love with the Princess Belle barbie and plays with her all of the time. After baskets, we attended an eventul church service, where Alex threw a huge tantrum and I had to take him outside--fun, right? After church, we headed to Lola's house for some food and a fun Easter egg hunt. What a great Easter we all had! Enjoy some of the pics from Easter!The kids tearing into their baskets!Amaya using her basket as a

haha..I love it! Amaya is so excited, she can't contain herself!
5 of the kids..we're missing Julia!
4 of the kids--this time have Julia, but of course we're now missing Amaya and Dylan!

Amaya with one of her Easter egg treasures
Me trying to be artistic :)
Alex hunting Easter eggs

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hippity Hoppity Easter!

Our little Easter cuties all dressed up

Easter has come and gone and the kids had a blast! We were blessed with wonderful weather this past Easter, since it fell so late in April. It was a nice, sunny, warm day in the 70's. We started our day by allowing the kids to open their Easter baskets. Alex had been looking forward to this moment all week, and he was so excited to find a couple of new cars that he didn't already have, a new Cars movie, and a Cars t-shirt! Amaya got two necklaces, a color wonders set and her very first barbie. She has fallen in love with the Princess Belle barbie and plays with her all of the time. After baskets, we attended an eventul church service, where Alex threw a huge tantrum and I had to take him outside--fun, right? After church, we headed to Lola's house for some food and a fun Easter egg hunt. What a great Easter we all had! Enjoy some of the pics from Easter!The kids tearing into their baskets!Amaya using her basket as a

haha..I love it! Amaya is so excited, she can't contain herself!
5 of the kids..we're missing Julia!
4 of the kids--this time have Julia, but of course we're now missing Amaya and Dylan!

Amaya with one of her Easter egg treasures
Me trying to be artistic :)
Alex hunting Easter eggs

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