Sunday, December 11, 2011

Daddy's Christmas Surprise

A couple weeks ago, I returned home from work, kids in tow from daycare and we all soptted something unusual on at the bottom of our stairs. A gigantic wrapped present! Woohoo! What could it be, we wondered? So we wasted no time and the kids dug right into the big present from Daddy. What was it, you ask? It was a real Christmas choo-choo to run underneath our tree! Abe said he had one when he was kid and really wanted to get one for our family, so he went on out to Home Depot that day and bought one for us. Pretty awesome Daddy, huh? Check out some pics of our new Christmas surprise in action :)Dig in kids!
Choo-choo! Alex is a big fan :)

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Daddy's Christmas Surprise

A couple weeks ago, I returned home from work, kids in tow from daycare and we all soptted something unusual on at the bottom of our stairs. A gigantic wrapped present! Woohoo! What could it be, we wondered? So we wasted no time and the kids dug right into the big present from Daddy. What was it, you ask? It was a real Christmas choo-choo to run underneath our tree! Abe said he had one when he was kid and really wanted to get one for our family, so he went on out to Home Depot that day and bought one for us. Pretty awesome Daddy, huh? Check out some pics of our new Christmas surprise in action :)Dig in kids!
Choo-choo! Alex is a big fan :)

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Daddy's Christmas Surprise

A couple weeks ago, I returned home from work, kids in tow from daycare and we all soptted something unusual on at the bottom of our stairs. A gigantic wrapped present! Woohoo! What could it be, we wondered? So we wasted no time and the kids dug right into the big present from Daddy. What was it, you ask? It was a real Christmas choo-choo to run underneath our tree! Abe said he had one when he was kid and really wanted to get one for our family, so he went on out to Home Depot that day and bought one for us. Pretty awesome Daddy, huh? Check out some pics of our new Christmas surprise in action :)Dig in kids!
Choo-choo! Alex is a big fan :)

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