Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our Karate Kid!

Mr. Ricky teaching Alex some kicking moves..look at his cute little fists clenched too! lol

Okay, so technically he's a Tae Kwon Do Kid and not Karate, but Karate Kid has a much nicer ring to it, doesn't it? So Mr. Alex decided after months of seeing our 4 year old neighbor, Justin come home from his Tae Kwon Do class in his spiffy white uniform (Gi or something..I don't know..ask Abe what it's really called) that he wanted to start taking lessons too. So we signed him up for Baltimore Elite Martial Arts Academy in the White Marsh/Rosedale area. He will participate in a 3 lesson trial, which will consist of private lessons 1x a week for 3 weeks, and then if he is still interested, he will be invited to join the Little Dragons class and he will receive his white belt after showing that he can perform some basic skills! One of the skills he has to master before being awarded his white belt is breaking a board, believe it or not. I can't imagine my little baby boy breaking a board, but according to his sensei he will learn to break a board by the end of the 3 trial lessons! The first lesson was a hit, so now we'll see where he goes with it. He already told me he can't wait to go to his next class though! Enjoy some pics of him at his very first night of class :)Showing off his Gi (uniform)! It's still a little big, despite being a size 000! lol

Bowing to his Sensei (instructor). He also learned to bow to the American and Korean flags upon entering the dojo (activity room) I am learning all of the lingo! lol

Learning a blocking move..good form Alex!

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our Karate Kid!

Mr. Ricky teaching Alex some kicking moves..look at his cute little fists clenched too! lol

Okay, so technically he's a Tae Kwon Do Kid and not Karate, but Karate Kid has a much nicer ring to it, doesn't it? So Mr. Alex decided after months of seeing our 4 year old neighbor, Justin come home from his Tae Kwon Do class in his spiffy white uniform (Gi or something..I don't know..ask Abe what it's really called) that he wanted to start taking lessons too. So we signed him up for Baltimore Elite Martial Arts Academy in the White Marsh/Rosedale area. He will participate in a 3 lesson trial, which will consist of private lessons 1x a week for 3 weeks, and then if he is still interested, he will be invited to join the Little Dragons class and he will receive his white belt after showing that he can perform some basic skills! One of the skills he has to master before being awarded his white belt is breaking a board, believe it or not. I can't imagine my little baby boy breaking a board, but according to his sensei he will learn to break a board by the end of the 3 trial lessons! The first lesson was a hit, so now we'll see where he goes with it. He already told me he can't wait to go to his next class though! Enjoy some pics of him at his very first night of class :)Showing off his Gi (uniform)! It's still a little big, despite being a size 000! lol

Bowing to his Sensei (instructor). He also learned to bow to the American and Korean flags upon entering the dojo (activity room) I am learning all of the lingo! lol

Learning a blocking move..good form Alex!

1 comment:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Our Karate Kid!

Mr. Ricky teaching Alex some kicking moves..look at his cute little fists clenched too! lol

Okay, so technically he's a Tae Kwon Do Kid and not Karate, but Karate Kid has a much nicer ring to it, doesn't it? So Mr. Alex decided after months of seeing our 4 year old neighbor, Justin come home from his Tae Kwon Do class in his spiffy white uniform (Gi or something..I don't know..ask Abe what it's really called) that he wanted to start taking lessons too. So we signed him up for Baltimore Elite Martial Arts Academy in the White Marsh/Rosedale area. He will participate in a 3 lesson trial, which will consist of private lessons 1x a week for 3 weeks, and then if he is still interested, he will be invited to join the Little Dragons class and he will receive his white belt after showing that he can perform some basic skills! One of the skills he has to master before being awarded his white belt is breaking a board, believe it or not. I can't imagine my little baby boy breaking a board, but according to his sensei he will learn to break a board by the end of the 3 trial lessons! The first lesson was a hit, so now we'll see where he goes with it. He already told me he can't wait to go to his next class though! Enjoy some pics of him at his very first night of class :)Showing off his Gi (uniform)! It's still a little big, despite being a size 000! lol

Bowing to his Sensei (instructor). He also learned to bow to the American and Korean flags upon entering the dojo (activity room) I am learning all of the lingo! lol

Learning a blocking move..good form Alex!

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