Monday, October 6, 2008

Alex is 7 Months Old!

Alex turned 7 months old yesterday, October 5. I can't believe how big he's getting! We took him to the doctor today and he weighs 19lbs. 120z. (65th percentile) and is 27 3/4 inches long (70th percentile). His head circumference is 44 cm (50th percentile). She said he'sright on track and doing very well. He's hit all of the milestones they expect babies to hit at 7 months! We were of course thrilled to hear that our little man is growing normally and doing well. He got 3 shots--one of which was a flu shot. He did really well with them though! He cried for maybe 3 minutes initially and then never made another peep. He now has two teeth! His two incisors have arrived and he's doing really well with them. No fevers, no sleepless nights, and minimal fussiness. I know, I know..we're lucky and our second one will be a demon..we've already been told. We have such a good baby though, it's true! He slept through the night at 2 months, hasn't woken up at night since, never spits up, and is just generally very at ease and content most of the time. He pretty much eats all of his baby food, and doesn't seem very picky with anything anymore. He even eats peas okay now! We can only hope that #2 will mimic his/her brothers actions when he/she comes along down the road. We probably won't be this lucky again though! LOL. In other news, we had a family yardsale on Sunday at Maria's house and had eight children running around her house! Maria's two sons, Mary's son and daughter, our son, and Corinne's son and two daughters! It was like a daycare! Very fun though! Three of the kids were under one year! Alex was born in March, Julia in July, and Charlye in September! It's really cool that they'll all grow up together though. Some pictures from the weekend follow. Enjoy!

Alex all bundled up for his walk home from daycare

Alex playing with Daddy

One of Alex's many talents--chewing on his foot!

Alex holding his bunny!

Abe eating his giant raisin loaf! LOL.

Some pics from Sunday!



















  1. abe, i'll pay you 20 bucks to eat that bread in ONE sitting...

  2. Abe, cut that bread in half. I WANT SOME!

  3. TWO TEETH! I don't think I heard about the first one. It sounds like he dealt very well with getting two teeth and 3 shots. Love seeing Alex with new photos. It seems every time a new batch arrives, he looks older.

  4. I still can't believe that Alex is 7 months old already-- time really flies. He is really getting so big and he is just so cute! Although- he loves to put his fingers in my nose...I wonder what that is all about!! :)

  5. We should also mention that during the yard sale mom talked Maria's neighbors into giving her all of their pillows along with other stuff!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Alex is 7 Months Old!

Alex turned 7 months old yesterday, October 5. I can't believe how big he's getting! We took him to the doctor today and he weighs 19lbs. 120z. (65th percentile) and is 27 3/4 inches long (70th percentile). His head circumference is 44 cm (50th percentile). She said he'sright on track and doing very well. He's hit all of the milestones they expect babies to hit at 7 months! We were of course thrilled to hear that our little man is growing normally and doing well. He got 3 shots--one of which was a flu shot. He did really well with them though! He cried for maybe 3 minutes initially and then never made another peep. He now has two teeth! His two incisors have arrived and he's doing really well with them. No fevers, no sleepless nights, and minimal fussiness. I know, I know..we're lucky and our second one will be a demon..we've already been told. We have such a good baby though, it's true! He slept through the night at 2 months, hasn't woken up at night since, never spits up, and is just generally very at ease and content most of the time. He pretty much eats all of his baby food, and doesn't seem very picky with anything anymore. He even eats peas okay now! We can only hope that #2 will mimic his/her brothers actions when he/she comes along down the road. We probably won't be this lucky again though! LOL. In other news, we had a family yardsale on Sunday at Maria's house and had eight children running around her house! Maria's two sons, Mary's son and daughter, our son, and Corinne's son and two daughters! It was like a daycare! Very fun though! Three of the kids were under one year! Alex was born in March, Julia in July, and Charlye in September! It's really cool that they'll all grow up together though. Some pictures from the weekend follow. Enjoy!

Alex all bundled up for his walk home from daycare

Alex playing with Daddy

One of Alex's many talents--chewing on his foot!

Alex holding his bunny!

Abe eating his giant raisin loaf! LOL.

Some pics from Sunday!



















  1. abe, i'll pay you 20 bucks to eat that bread in ONE sitting...

  2. Abe, cut that bread in half. I WANT SOME!

  3. TWO TEETH! I don't think I heard about the first one. It sounds like he dealt very well with getting two teeth and 3 shots. Love seeing Alex with new photos. It seems every time a new batch arrives, he looks older.

  4. I still can't believe that Alex is 7 months old already-- time really flies. He is really getting so big and he is just so cute! Although- he loves to put his fingers in my nose...I wonder what that is all about!! :)

  5. We should also mention that during the yard sale mom talked Maria's neighbors into giving her all of their pillows along with other stuff!


Monday, October 6, 2008

Alex is 7 Months Old!

Alex turned 7 months old yesterday, October 5. I can't believe how big he's getting! We took him to the doctor today and he weighs 19lbs. 120z. (65th percentile) and is 27 3/4 inches long (70th percentile). His head circumference is 44 cm (50th percentile). She said he'sright on track and doing very well. He's hit all of the milestones they expect babies to hit at 7 months! We were of course thrilled to hear that our little man is growing normally and doing well. He got 3 shots--one of which was a flu shot. He did really well with them though! He cried for maybe 3 minutes initially and then never made another peep. He now has two teeth! His two incisors have arrived and he's doing really well with them. No fevers, no sleepless nights, and minimal fussiness. I know, I know..we're lucky and our second one will be a demon..we've already been told. We have such a good baby though, it's true! He slept through the night at 2 months, hasn't woken up at night since, never spits up, and is just generally very at ease and content most of the time. He pretty much eats all of his baby food, and doesn't seem very picky with anything anymore. He even eats peas okay now! We can only hope that #2 will mimic his/her brothers actions when he/she comes along down the road. We probably won't be this lucky again though! LOL. In other news, we had a family yardsale on Sunday at Maria's house and had eight children running around her house! Maria's two sons, Mary's son and daughter, our son, and Corinne's son and two daughters! It was like a daycare! Very fun though! Three of the kids were under one year! Alex was born in March, Julia in July, and Charlye in September! It's really cool that they'll all grow up together though. Some pictures from the weekend follow. Enjoy!

Alex all bundled up for his walk home from daycare

Alex playing with Daddy

One of Alex's many talents--chewing on his foot!

Alex holding his bunny!

Abe eating his giant raisin loaf! LOL.

Some pics from Sunday!



















  1. abe, i'll pay you 20 bucks to eat that bread in ONE sitting...

  2. Abe, cut that bread in half. I WANT SOME!

  3. TWO TEETH! I don't think I heard about the first one. It sounds like he dealt very well with getting two teeth and 3 shots. Love seeing Alex with new photos. It seems every time a new batch arrives, he looks older.

  4. I still can't believe that Alex is 7 months old already-- time really flies. He is really getting so big and he is just so cute! Although- he loves to put his fingers in my nose...I wonder what that is all about!! :)

  5. We should also mention that during the yard sale mom talked Maria's neighbors into giving her all of their pillows along with other stuff!
