Friday, October 31, 2008

hApPy HaLLoWeEn!

Alex enjoyed his very first Halloween this evening. He dressed up as a dragon and trick-or-treated up and down Abe's Mom's street in Dundalk! We took him down around 5:30, and got him dressed along with the boys. Dylan was bobo fett from Star Wars, Daniel was Ironman, Matthew was a cowboy, and Julia was festive in her Halloween shirt. We then put Alex in the stroller and made our way up and down Roberts Ave. with all four boys. At the end of the street, the 3 older boys wanted to continue, but I could tell by the way Alex was hunching to the side in his little dragon costume that he was done with his first trick-or-treating experience. I strolled him back to the house and he was fast asleep by the time we got back up the street. After we all had our trick-or-treating fun, we gathered inside and celebrated Mary's b-day. Her actual b-day is Oct. 28, but we decided to celebrate tonight, since Abe and I had to make a change in plans and venture home this weekend. Happy __th b-day Mary!! We're leaving tomorrow for my parents and the coming back on Sunday. I have been battling pneumonia for the past twp weeks almost, so we couldn't go out last weekend when we originally wanted to. I'm finally feeling somewhat better, despite the side effects of the antibiotic, so we decided to go on out this weekend, so everyone could see how big Alex is getting. We're also celebrating my brother's 23rd b-day, which was Oct.27. We're a year apart now until March when I'll turn 25. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Halloween, now we look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hannukah. My favorite time of year, despite the frigid temps! Don't forget to fall back on Sunday! Enjoy some cute pics!

                                                     Alex smiling in his dragon costume!

Daniel and Alex hanging out before tick-or-treating

                                                      Matthew, Alex, and Dylan hanging out

                                                      Mary blowing out her b-day candles!

                                                                      Playing before bed

                              Abe and I are convinced he'll be taking this swing to college with him!

                                                          Trick-or-treating is no joke Mommy!

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Friday, October 31, 2008

hApPy HaLLoWeEn!

Alex enjoyed his very first Halloween this evening. He dressed up as a dragon and trick-or-treated up and down Abe's Mom's street in Dundalk! We took him down around 5:30, and got him dressed along with the boys. Dylan was bobo fett from Star Wars, Daniel was Ironman, Matthew was a cowboy, and Julia was festive in her Halloween shirt. We then put Alex in the stroller and made our way up and down Roberts Ave. with all four boys. At the end of the street, the 3 older boys wanted to continue, but I could tell by the way Alex was hunching to the side in his little dragon costume that he was done with his first trick-or-treating experience. I strolled him back to the house and he was fast asleep by the time we got back up the street. After we all had our trick-or-treating fun, we gathered inside and celebrated Mary's b-day. Her actual b-day is Oct. 28, but we decided to celebrate tonight, since Abe and I had to make a change in plans and venture home this weekend. Happy __th b-day Mary!! We're leaving tomorrow for my parents and the coming back on Sunday. I have been battling pneumonia for the past twp weeks almost, so we couldn't go out last weekend when we originally wanted to. I'm finally feeling somewhat better, despite the side effects of the antibiotic, so we decided to go on out this weekend, so everyone could see how big Alex is getting. We're also celebrating my brother's 23rd b-day, which was Oct.27. We're a year apart now until March when I'll turn 25. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Halloween, now we look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hannukah. My favorite time of year, despite the frigid temps! Don't forget to fall back on Sunday! Enjoy some cute pics!

                                                     Alex smiling in his dragon costume!

Daniel and Alex hanging out before tick-or-treating

                                                      Matthew, Alex, and Dylan hanging out

                                                      Mary blowing out her b-day candles!

                                                                      Playing before bed

                              Abe and I are convinced he'll be taking this swing to college with him!

                                                          Trick-or-treating is no joke Mommy!

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Friday, October 31, 2008

hApPy HaLLoWeEn!

Alex enjoyed his very first Halloween this evening. He dressed up as a dragon and trick-or-treated up and down Abe's Mom's street in Dundalk! We took him down around 5:30, and got him dressed along with the boys. Dylan was bobo fett from Star Wars, Daniel was Ironman, Matthew was a cowboy, and Julia was festive in her Halloween shirt. We then put Alex in the stroller and made our way up and down Roberts Ave. with all four boys. At the end of the street, the 3 older boys wanted to continue, but I could tell by the way Alex was hunching to the side in his little dragon costume that he was done with his first trick-or-treating experience. I strolled him back to the house and he was fast asleep by the time we got back up the street. After we all had our trick-or-treating fun, we gathered inside and celebrated Mary's b-day. Her actual b-day is Oct. 28, but we decided to celebrate tonight, since Abe and I had to make a change in plans and venture home this weekend. Happy __th b-day Mary!! We're leaving tomorrow for my parents and the coming back on Sunday. I have been battling pneumonia for the past twp weeks almost, so we couldn't go out last weekend when we originally wanted to. I'm finally feeling somewhat better, despite the side effects of the antibiotic, so we decided to go on out this weekend, so everyone could see how big Alex is getting. We're also celebrating my brother's 23rd b-day, which was Oct.27. We're a year apart now until March when I'll turn 25. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Halloween, now we look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hannukah. My favorite time of year, despite the frigid temps! Don't forget to fall back on Sunday! Enjoy some cute pics!

                                                     Alex smiling in his dragon costume!

Daniel and Alex hanging out before tick-or-treating

                                                      Matthew, Alex, and Dylan hanging out

                                                      Mary blowing out her b-day candles!

                                                                      Playing before bed

                              Abe and I are convinced he'll be taking this swing to college with him!

                                                          Trick-or-treating is no joke Mommy!

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