Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy B-day Abe and Matthew!


One thing we are good at in our family is sharing birthdays, and wehad out first set of sharers celebrate theirs this past week. On Wednesday, Februrary 3rd, Abe turned 28 and Matthew turned 4 years old. We celebrated the two events with a family party at Mary and Dave's house on Sunday, Jan. 31st. We had lots of good food, and two cakes! A strawbery shortcake for the big birthday boy and a Toy Story themed cake for the little birthday boy. We all had a fun day,playing games and hanging out with family! The on Wednesay, Abe and I got an unexpected day off together since my two tires went flat on the way to work that morning. While the car was in the shop getting all 4 tires replaced, we went to Target and had lunch at TGI Fridays.It was a really nice day together--just the two of us. Then, later that evening, we sang to Abe and even Alex sang to his Daddy! Only he says "Happy to me, Happy to me" over and over again! Haha. We then had more strawberry shortcake with a Spiderman candle. Yeah! Our real present will be next Monday when we spend our day off on President's day celebrating both of birthdays and Valentine's day at Fogo de Chao. We defintely are keeping our fingers crossed for no blizzard that day! Enjoy some photos of us from this week!

Alex helping Daddy blow out his candle

Julia helping to feed Amaya

Amaya and her poor chapped lip..she'll be 3 months old on Sunday!

All bundled up against the cold weather!

The two together!

Amaya in her little tights!! LOL.

All dressed up for the birthday party!




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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy B-day Abe and Matthew!


One thing we are good at in our family is sharing birthdays, and wehad out first set of sharers celebrate theirs this past week. On Wednesday, Februrary 3rd, Abe turned 28 and Matthew turned 4 years old. We celebrated the two events with a family party at Mary and Dave's house on Sunday, Jan. 31st. We had lots of good food, and two cakes! A strawbery shortcake for the big birthday boy and a Toy Story themed cake for the little birthday boy. We all had a fun day,playing games and hanging out with family! The on Wednesay, Abe and I got an unexpected day off together since my two tires went flat on the way to work that morning. While the car was in the shop getting all 4 tires replaced, we went to Target and had lunch at TGI Fridays.It was a really nice day together--just the two of us. Then, later that evening, we sang to Abe and even Alex sang to his Daddy! Only he says "Happy to me, Happy to me" over and over again! Haha. We then had more strawberry shortcake with a Spiderman candle. Yeah! Our real present will be next Monday when we spend our day off on President's day celebrating both of birthdays and Valentine's day at Fogo de Chao. We defintely are keeping our fingers crossed for no blizzard that day! Enjoy some photos of us from this week!

Alex helping Daddy blow out his candle

Julia helping to feed Amaya

Amaya and her poor chapped lip..she'll be 3 months old on Sunday!

All bundled up against the cold weather!

The two together!

Amaya in her little tights!! LOL.

All dressed up for the birthday party!




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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy B-day Abe and Matthew!


One thing we are good at in our family is sharing birthdays, and wehad out first set of sharers celebrate theirs this past week. On Wednesday, Februrary 3rd, Abe turned 28 and Matthew turned 4 years old. We celebrated the two events with a family party at Mary and Dave's house on Sunday, Jan. 31st. We had lots of good food, and two cakes! A strawbery shortcake for the big birthday boy and a Toy Story themed cake for the little birthday boy. We all had a fun day,playing games and hanging out with family! The on Wednesay, Abe and I got an unexpected day off together since my two tires went flat on the way to work that morning. While the car was in the shop getting all 4 tires replaced, we went to Target and had lunch at TGI Fridays.It was a really nice day together--just the two of us. Then, later that evening, we sang to Abe and even Alex sang to his Daddy! Only he says "Happy to me, Happy to me" over and over again! Haha. We then had more strawberry shortcake with a Spiderman candle. Yeah! Our real present will be next Monday when we spend our day off on President's day celebrating both of birthdays and Valentine's day at Fogo de Chao. We defintely are keeping our fingers crossed for no blizzard that day! Enjoy some photos of us from this week!

Alex helping Daddy blow out his candle

Julia helping to feed Amaya

Amaya and her poor chapped lip..she'll be 3 months old on Sunday!

All bundled up against the cold weather!

The two together!

Amaya in her little tights!! LOL.

All dressed up for the birthday party!




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