Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Masters It Is!

I'll make this one brief since I had a backlog of info and added a bazillion posts today, but we wanted to annouce that Abe and I are BOTH offically accepted into our Masters Degree programs! Yay!I am getting a Masters from Towson U. in Special Education and I hope to work with special needs children in schools and maybe even at Kennedy Krieger one day. I'd like to get a certificate in Autistic studies along with my Masters, so I can work with children and families affected by Autism. Abe is getting his Masters in Cyber Security from UMUC. He hopes to eventually work in this field for Lockheed Martin, Homeland Security or the NSA one day. I should grduate in May 2014 and he will be finished by 2012 or 2013 at the latest. We're bothing excited and dreading this ardous task, but we know it will pay off in the long run!

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Masters It Is!

I'll make this one brief since I had a backlog of info and added a bazillion posts today, but we wanted to annouce that Abe and I are BOTH offically accepted into our Masters Degree programs! Yay!I am getting a Masters from Towson U. in Special Education and I hope to work with special needs children in schools and maybe even at Kennedy Krieger one day. I'd like to get a certificate in Autistic studies along with my Masters, so I can work with children and families affected by Autism. Abe is getting his Masters in Cyber Security from UMUC. He hopes to eventually work in this field for Lockheed Martin, Homeland Security or the NSA one day. I should grduate in May 2014 and he will be finished by 2012 or 2013 at the latest. We're bothing excited and dreading this ardous task, but we know it will pay off in the long run!

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Masters It Is!

I'll make this one brief since I had a backlog of info and added a bazillion posts today, but we wanted to annouce that Abe and I are BOTH offically accepted into our Masters Degree programs! Yay!I am getting a Masters from Towson U. in Special Education and I hope to work with special needs children in schools and maybe even at Kennedy Krieger one day. I'd like to get a certificate in Autistic studies along with my Masters, so I can work with children and families affected by Autism. Abe is getting his Masters in Cyber Security from UMUC. He hopes to eventually work in this field for Lockheed Martin, Homeland Security or the NSA one day. I should grduate in May 2014 and he will be finished by 2012 or 2013 at the latest. We're bothing excited and dreading this ardous task, but we know it will pay off in the long run!

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