Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Standing on her own two feet...

So our tiny little peanut never ceases to amaze us. She was barely 5 lbs, when she was born, yet she's managed to do everything earlier than her big brother did. Now she is pulling herself up to stand. I even witnessed her let go and stand comepletely by herself for a split second this morning! She has these tiny little legs, and its amazing to see her standing on them. Our little girl is growing up so fast! 8 months old now and growing everyday. Right after we had her, and I went through the pre-term labor scares, bed rest and the fear of her being early and the issues with feding that kept her in the hospital longer, I thought that's it, no more babies! I can't handle this again. But now that I see her growing up so nicely, the thought is still floating around in the back of our heads--maybe just one more in a couple of years? lol. Go Amaya! We love you so much little cutie!

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Standing on her own two feet...

So our tiny little peanut never ceases to amaze us. She was barely 5 lbs, when she was born, yet she's managed to do everything earlier than her big brother did. Now she is pulling herself up to stand. I even witnessed her let go and stand comepletely by herself for a split second this morning! She has these tiny little legs, and its amazing to see her standing on them. Our little girl is growing up so fast! 8 months old now and growing everyday. Right after we had her, and I went through the pre-term labor scares, bed rest and the fear of her being early and the issues with feding that kept her in the hospital longer, I thought that's it, no more babies! I can't handle this again. But now that I see her growing up so nicely, the thought is still floating around in the back of our heads--maybe just one more in a couple of years? lol. Go Amaya! We love you so much little cutie!

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Standing on her own two feet...

So our tiny little peanut never ceases to amaze us. She was barely 5 lbs, when she was born, yet she's managed to do everything earlier than her big brother did. Now she is pulling herself up to stand. I even witnessed her let go and stand comepletely by herself for a split second this morning! She has these tiny little legs, and its amazing to see her standing on them. Our little girl is growing up so fast! 8 months old now and growing everyday. Right after we had her, and I went through the pre-term labor scares, bed rest and the fear of her being early and the issues with feding that kept her in the hospital longer, I thought that's it, no more babies! I can't handle this again. But now that I see her growing up so nicely, the thought is still floating around in the back of our heads--maybe just one more in a couple of years? lol. Go Amaya! We love you so much little cutie!

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